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How to get peer cert chain from tls handshake phase 'try to enable encryption'?

flybyray opened this issue · comments

How to get SSL context option capture_peer_cert_chain ...

from a failing "try to enable encryption" - peer certs already presented by tls handshake initiation -

throw new \RuntimeException(
'Connection to ' . $uri . ' failed during TLS handshake: ' . $error->getMessage(),


Assume we connect to a server which requires client certificates to establish a connection. We will get peer certificates but fail if the server closes the connection because of missing client certificates.

This issue has some relevance at Icinga/icingaweb2-module-x509#66 .
We can fix it by dirty hacking but I just want to ask what the architects of reactphp/socket have in mind how to resolve this with this library.


Thanks for clearance

@flybyray Thanks for reporting, this is an interesting feature request.

To recap the way I understand this: After specifying the capture_peer_cert_chain context option, we should expose the resulting peer_certificate_chain context option even if the connection fails. This is indeed not currently exposed and the underlying connection will be closed immediately before raising an Exception as documented.

I would love to see some input (PRs?) to discuss/suggest some possible APIs 👍

@clue I came up with an approach to solve this issue in Icinga/icingaweb2-module-x509#76. Basically we intercept the connection in a custom connector and listen for the close event:

 * Connector that captures stream context options upon close of the underlying connection
class StreamOptsCaptureConnector implements ConnectorInterface
    /** @var array|null */
    protected $capturedStreamOptions;

    /** @var ConnectorInterface */
    protected $connector;

    public function __construct(ConnectorInterface $connector)
        $this->connector = $connector;

     * @return array
    public function getCapturedStreamOptions()
        return (array) $this->capturedStreamOptions;

     * @param array $capturedStreamOptions
     * @return $this
    public function setCapturedStreamOptions($capturedStreamOptions)
        $this->capturedStreamOptions = $capturedStreamOptions;

        return $this;

    public function connect($uri)
        return $this->connector->connect($uri)->then(function (ConnectionInterface $conn) {
            $conn->on('close', function () use ($conn) {
                if (is_resource($conn->stream)) {

            return resolve($conn);

Example usage:

$connector = new Connector($loop);
$streamCaptureConnector = new StreamOptsCaptureConnector($connector);
$secureConnector = new SecureConnector($streamCaptureConnector, $loop, [
    'verify_peer' => false,
    'verify_peer_name' => false,
    'capture_peer_cert_chain' => true,
    'SNI_enabled' => true,
    'peer_name' => $peerName

    function (ConnectionInterface $conn) use ($streamCaptureConnector) {
        // Close connection in order to capture stream context options

        $capturedStreamOptions = $streamCaptureConnector->getCapturedStreamOptions();

    function (Exception $exception) use ($streamCaptureConnector) {
        $capturedStreamOptions = $streamCaptureConnector->getCapturedStreamOptions();

        if (isset($capturedStreamOptions['ssl']['peer_certificate_chain'])) {
            // The scanned target presented its certificate chain despite throwing an error
            // This is the case for targets which require client certificates for example
)->otherwise(function (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
    echo $e->getTraceAsString() . PHP_EOL;

Do you see any caveats with this approach?

@lippserd Nice solution! Note that the Connection::$stream property is marked as @internal and should ideally not be relied upon. There's been some debate to eventually expose this in a more permanent way (#150 and others), but at the moment there are no plans to remove this property any time soon 👍

Ping @flybyray, can you update the status here, is this still an issue to you or did you mange to resolve this in the meantime? It also looks like this could be related to #252?

@clue I somehow solved it. I think i did something based on this: #221 (comment)

I think the #252 is something different. But I did not tested it.

@flybyray Glad to hear! Give this has been answered, I'm closing this for now. Please come back with more details if this problem persists and we can always reopen this 👍