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BoundedElasticThreadPerTaskSchedulerTest > ensuresTasksScheduling() FAILED

chemicL opened this issue · comments

BoundedElasticThreadPerTaskSchedulerTest > ensuresTasksScheduling() FAILED
    Expecting value to be true but was false
        at jdk.internal.reflect.DirectConstructorHandleAccessor.newInstance(
        at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstanceWithCaller(
        at reactor.core.scheduler.BoundedElasticThreadPerTaskSchedulerTest.ensuresTasksScheduling(
  • Reactor version(s) used: 3.6.4
  • JVM version (java -version): Java_Temurin-Hotspot_jdk/21.0.2-13/x64
  • OS and version (eg uname -a): Ubuntu 22.0 LTS
	public void ensuresTasksScheduling() throws InterruptedException {
		CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);

		Disposable disposable = scheduler.schedule(latch::countDown);

		Assertions.assertThat(latch.await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)).isTrue();

                // AS-IS
                // TO-BE
		await().untilAsserted(() -> disposable.isDisposed()).isTrue());

Hmm how about using await().untilAsserted(..) to check disposable.isDisposed()).isTrue()?

Cause disposable.dispose() is not finished yet right after latch reaches zero!

That sounds correct. Are you interested in a contribution?

Sure! I'll create PR within this weekend. thank you! :)

#3779 my friend who really loves opensource create fix PR! PTAL 🙇