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CompletableFuture.whenComplete is not invoked for some requests

rohitrajwani opened this issue · comments

I am working on an application that relays the request to server asynchronously. For a high traffic i.e. >3.5K requests per second, I see that the whenComplete method of the CompletableFuture is not being invoked for some of the requests even though all requests are getting a 2xx responses.

This behaviour is observed only when I moved from reactor-core version 3.4.18 to 3.5.14, with spring boot 2.7.18.

Is there anything updated with respect to implementation that needs to be taken care while using the Mono class or the framework in general.

Expected Behavior

The CompletableFuture.whenComplete is expected to be invoked for all the requests that have completed their lifecycle.

Actual Behavior

For some requests, the whenComplete routine is not being invoked with reactor-core version 3.5.14

Steps to Reproduce

void reproCase() {


Possible Solution

Your Environment

  • Reactor version(s) used: 3.5.14
  • Other relevant libraries versions (eg. netty, ...): SpringBootVersion: "2.7.18", jettyVersion:"11.0.17"
  • JVM version (java -version): 17.0.10
  • OS and version (eg uname -a): Linux

Hey, @rohitrajwani 👋
Please have a look at the 3.5.0 release notes. Perhaps you're running into the behaviour change around Mono becoming lazy in certain scenarios. Without any reproducer it will be difficult to tell if there's an error in the library or in your usage. Please try reproducing the problem i a minimal fashion and please provide a test case here or a link to a repository. Thanks!

Hi @chemicL
Thanks for the quick response.

While I check for the release notes to understand the behaviour change of Mono, please find the below controller class as this represents the flow I am trying to implement.

Please let me know if there is anything that can be improved in the below implementation, also providing a test case might not be feasible as this behaviour is only seen at high traffic.

public class RouterController {

    CompletableFuture<ResponseEntity<?>> finalRspCompFuture;

    public CompletableFuture<ResponseEntity<?>>
    handleDownStreamReq(RequestEntity<byte[]> reqEntity, @RequestHeader HttpHeaders reqHeaders) {

        URI uri = null;
        try {
            uri = new URI(reqEntity.getUrl().toString());
        catch (URISyntaxException ex) {
            System.out.println("Exception in forming URI, " + ex.toString());
        byte[] body = reqEntity.getBody();

        finalRspCompFuture = new CompletableFuture<>();

        buildAndSendRequest(uri, reqEntity, reqHeaders, body.length, body);

        finalRspCompFuture = finalRspCompFuture.exceptionally(ex->{

            ResponseEntity<byte[]> rsp = new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);

            return rsp;
        }).whenComplete((rsp, exe) -> {
            System.out.println("going in the when complete");
            if (exe != null) {
                System.out.println("whenComplete failed " + exe.toString());

        return finalRspCompFuture;

    private Disposable buildAndSendRequest(URI uri, RequestEntity<byte[]> reqEntity, HttpHeaders reqHeaders, int bodyLen, Object body){
        WebClient client = null;
        WebClient.RequestHeadersSpec<?> requestHeadersSpec = null;
        WebClient.RequestBodySpec requestBodySpec  = client
                .headers(hdrs -> hdrs.addAll(reqHeaders));

        if(bodyLen > 0) {
            System.out.println("Body is not Null, RequestBody: " + BodyInserters.fromValue(body));
            requestHeadersSpec = requestBodySpec.body(BodyInserters.fromValue(body));
        else {
            System.out.println("Body is Null");
            requestHeadersSpec = requestBodySpec;

        return requestHeadersSpec.retrieve().toEntity(byte[].class)
                .doFinally(signalType -> {
                .onErrorResume(Throwable.class, throwable -> {
                    Mono<ResponseEntity<byte[]>> rsp = Mono.just(handleError(throwable));
                    return rsp;
                }).doOnCancel(() -> {
                .doFirst(() -> System.out.println("doFirst"))
                .subscribe(rsp -> destCallback(rsp), throwable -> {});

    private void destCallback(ResponseEntity<byte[]> rsp) {
        System.out.println("Handling callback here");
        // After response is received from the server and some additional processing here
        finalRspCompFuture.complete(new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.OK));

    private ResponseEntity<byte[]> handleError(Throwable throwable) {
        System.out.println("Error Occurred");
        return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);

    private ThreadPoolTaskExecutor getExecutor() {
        ThreadPoolTaskExecutor upstreamExecutor = new ThreadPoolTaskExecutor();

        return upstreamExecutor;


Thanks for the example. There are a lot of moving parts: a specific thread pool, CompletableFuture, WebClient, etc. So it is really hard to tell what's going on. But first perhaps please try to make your code idiomatic. Instead of calling CompletableFuture you could just return the Mono that is a result of a few manipulations (flatMapping, mapping, using handle operator). Also, note that your LambdaSubscriber (the impl used when you provide lambdas to subscribe(...)) is not doing anything with the Throwable, not even logging it. Perhaps the issue lies there.

We can try to work with a minimal reproducer that is just limited to reactor-core primitives - otherwise it's really difficult to pinpoint where the problem is :(

I get your point, will try to make it more focused around reactor-core.
I had one more observation, I was narrowing down the versions to check for the working versions and this behaviour/issue is observed with version 3.4.23 and onwards.
Until 3.4.22, everything is working well.

Is there any behaviour change that got in between these two version that should be taken care specifically?


Potentially #3146 could be impacting as long as Spring Framework is wrapping the returned CompletableFuture with a Mono. I'm not certain if that's the case. Again, adding proper logging and enabling debug/trace logging would probably reveal a lot about the situations in which the problem occurs.

Actually, looking at the code in Spring Framework it does seem this might be the case.

Thanks for the further clarification.

What should be the approach then with this moving forward? Do you have any suggestions.

@rohitrajwani the same as I said before :)

Again, adding proper logging and enabling debug/trace logging would probably reveal a lot about the situations in which the problem occurs.


Also, note that your LambdaSubscriber (the impl used when you provide lambdas to subscribe(...)) is not doing anything with the Throwable, not even logging it. Perhaps the issue lies there.

This behaviour change is desired. It was requested by a member of the Spring Framework team. As I can imagine, previously it would have hidden some broken state. It is really vital to introduce proper logging and handle the errors and cancellations in your reactive pipeline. Once you take care of that, the problem should reveal itself.

I'll close the issue, as it doesn't seem to be a bug in reactor-core. Please feel free to comment if you find out something. Or if there's a genuine bug, we can either reopen this one or you can create a new one with a reproducer.

Best of luck with your investigation!

Upon further investigation, I found that the netty server is triggering the MonoCompletionStage.cancel, because the channel is marked as inactive/closed.

Just wanted to check if there can be a way to handle the future cancel gracefully,
as currently in #3146 the cancel is called without considering if the request or the future was completed.

Won't it be better if we add some additional check for this and make sure to close/complete the future gracefully instead.
If not, can you please suggest if there is a way to handle this at application level.

@rohitrajwani please reach out on StackOverflow if my previous answers are not sufficient. I recommended an approach that doesn't involve CompletableFuture APIs. Using the Reactor API gives you all the necessary hooks for handling errors and cancellation.

As you also reported reactor/reactor-netty#3103 it feels that one thing needs to be said - despite all requests finishing with 2xx response codes, cancellation can happen on a connection/stream (HTTP2) level and that's where there is no request any more. So it means that the client has disconnected for some reason (perhaps timeout, perhaps the process was killed). You'd still like to be informed about that and perform cleanup. That's why there's no running away from cancellation. Also, we don't know whether something was successful or not - it can't be delivered. That's why CompletableFuture is a disconnected concept in your use case that does not fit properly in your reactive pipeline as it doesn't connect the consumer with the producer and there is no clear communication. The cancellation is in fact propagated now, which is an improvement. It should not be worked-around.