reactor / BlockHound

Java agent to detect blocking calls from non-blocking threads.

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Can't whitelist blocking lambda in Mono.fromRunnable

jvalkeal opened this issue · comments

While enabling BlockHound for reactive work I've done in a spring-statemachine space there was a one test where I had to extract blocking sleep out from a lambda order to define it in a BlockHoundIntegration.

This was a change I had to make in my tests to extract Thread.sleep() out from it:

Then I defined sleep as:

Previously having

.allowBlockingCallsInside("org.springframework.statemachine.state.ObjectStateTests$TestBlockingAction", "apply")

just didn't work.

I just tried this and it works perfectly fine:

public class LambdaTest {

    static {
        BlockHound.install(b -> {
            b.allowBlockingCallsInside(LambdaTest.class.getName(), "lambda$shouldWhitelistLambdas$1");
    public void shouldWhitelistLambdas() {
        Mono.fromCallable(() -> {
            return "";

you were whitelisting the wrong method. TestBlockingAction#apply only returns Mono.fromRunnable and does not contain any blocking calls, the actual blocking call happens inside TestBlockingAction#lambda$apply$1, aka fromRunnable's argument.