reactor / BlockHound

Java agent to detect blocking calls from non-blocking threads.

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Blockhound failing with new version of micrometer

Alexspenc212 opened this issue · comments

Blockhound failing with new version of micrometer

Expected Behavior

Should detecting blocking calls

Actual Behavior

When we i request my endpoint, Blockhound failed with exception:

[Byte Buddy] ERROR reactor.core.publisher.ContextPropagation [jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader@251a69d7, unnamed module @50c87b21, Thread[parallel-1,5,main], loaded=false]$Resolution$NoSuchTypeException: Cannot resolve type description for io.micrometer.context.ContextSnapshot$Scope
	at java.base/
	at$Default$ExecutingTransformer$ByteBuddy$ModuleSupport.transform(Unknown Source)
	at java.instrument/sun.instrument.TransformerManager.transform(

Steps to Reproduce

Spring boot v: 3.0.4
actuator v: 3.0.4
micrometer-observation v: 1.10.4
micrometer-core v: 1.10.4
blockhound v: 1.0.8

It just failed at any request.

But, it was working with older version:
Spring boot 2.7.0
micrometer-core v: 1.9.0

Possible Solution

Your Environment

Spring boot v: 3.0.4
actuator v: 3.0.4
micrometer-observation v: 1.10.4
micrometer-core v: 1.10.4
blockhound v: 1.0.8
reactor-core v: 3.5.3

Hi @Alexspenc212 ,

Thanks for reporting.
Can you please confirm if this log is really breaking anything, or is it just about logging and your application is actually operational and working fine ?

I tend to think that it's a duplicate of #311, where the trace is actually not harmful, but just a noisy log.
Normally, there is a work around which avoids the log: you can add io.micrometer:context-propagation:1.0.2 into your classpath. Can you please confirm if adding io.micrometer:context-propagation:1.0.2 in your classpath is removing the log ?


Notice that we can do something in Reactor-Core API in order to avoid the log; and I will work on this during this week (the problem is not coming from Blockhound itself, but I keep this issue opened until you confirm that adding context-propagation jar in the classpath makes the log disappear).

Hi @Alexspenc212 ,

Thanks for reporting. Can you please confirm if this log is really breaking anything, or is it just about logging and your application is actually operational and working fine ?

I tend to think that it's a duplicate of #311, where the trace is actually not harmful, but just a noisy log. Normally, there is a work around which avoids the log: you can add io.micrometer:context-propagation:1.0.2 into your classpath. Can you please confirm if adding io.micrometer:context-propagation:1.0.2 in your classpath is removing the log ?


Thank you for this quick answer. Yes, the error log not appears anymore. But BlockHound is still not working. It's not detecting blocking calls. It looks like nothing has happened. Back to your question, yes, this log doesn't break the whole app, but blockhound stops working after this error.

That's strange, because I have double checked and did a small application without context-propagation in the classpath, and I managed to add an illegal blocking call somewhere in my sample app which has been detected and logged by blockhound, despite the unexpected log.

Anyway, the only thing that can be done is a I think a patch in the reactor-core API, and it will avoid the problem (which seems to randomly make blockhound dysfunctional (it seems to be the case in your situation).

So, I will start working on a patch this week in reactor-core; In the mean time, can you please live with context-propgation in your classpath ?

I'm closing this issue, but I'll get back to here once something will have been done in reactor-core. feel free to reopen if needed.

thank you.


That's strange, because I have double checked and did a small application without context-propagation in the classpath, and I managed to add an illegal blocking call somewhere in my sample app which has been detected and logged by blockhound, despite the unexpected log.

Anyway, the only thing that can be done is a I think a patch in the reactor-core API, and it will avoid the problem (which seems to randomly make blockhound dysfunctional (it seems to be the case in your situation).

So, I will start working on a patch this week in reactor-core; In the mean time, can you please live with context-propgation in your classpath ?

I'm closing this issue, but I'll get back to here once something will have been done in reactor-core. feel free to reopen if needed.

thank you.

It's stop detecting "readBytes(" If it helps. Stack trace from old version

Original Stack Trace:
		at java.base/
		at java.base/
		at java.base/
		at java.base/$RandomIO.readFully(
		at java.base/$RandomIO.ensureBufferValid(
		at java.base/$RandomIO.implNextBytes(
		at java.base/
		at java.base/
		at java.base/java.util.UUID.randomUUID(

ok, I'm about to start working on a reactor-core PR, and I'll get back to here, and will double check the stacktrace you indicated, in case something else must be done.
but for the moment, I tend to think that it's better to first do a PR in reactor-core.

thanks a lot for the info !

Hello! Good day! As i see, issues was closed. Can we implement it?

Hi @Alexspenc212 ,

The necessary fix for this issue has been merged in reactor-core project, see reactor/reactor-core#3459, so the fix is currently available in io.projectreactor:reactor-core:3.5.7-SNAPSHOT, and will be available in the next official io.projectreactor:reactor-core:3.5.7 release (not yet released).

So, for the moment, if you are able to use snapshot version, you can try to use io.projectreactor:reactor-core:3.5.7-SNAPSHOT. Else, if you can't use snapshots, you will need to continue including the contextpropagation jar in your classpath until the official io.projectreactor:reactor-core:3.5.7 version is made available.


It's working thank you! I have 2 questions here, sorry but I assume it's the best place to ask, if not, please advise the link.

  1. As I found in the documentation, BlockHound added new versions of the reactor core. From your point of view, what is the right way to check blocking calls on whole project?
  2. I also found that we can add detecting blocking calls without any code in a project by using an agent in JVM arguments. Where i can find jar file? Can you please advise? I was trying to compile it from this project, but I faced problems with test, probably some env problems.

Hi @Alexspenc212 ,

  1. Usually, you will use blockhound from junit tests in order to detect blocking calls. But if you want to also test your whole project, you can either include in your classpath the blockhound jar and call BlockHound.install(); from your main method, or you can run your application using the javaagent option. In this case, no need to initialize BlockHound from your main method (see bellow).

  2. you will find the jar from maven central (currently , the latest downloadable version is 1.0.8-RELEASE).
    If you want to build the jar: as of today, tests can only be run using Java 13. So, better is to build without tests using
    ./gradlew jar command.

Then you can run your application like this for example:

java -XX:+AllowRedefinitionToAddDeleteMethods -javaagent:blockhound-1.0.8.RELEASE.jar  -jar my-application.jar

I assume here that my-application.jar embeds all application dependencies, and that JDK13+ is used, else you don't need to use the -XX:+AllowRedefinitionToAddDeleteMethods option.

Thank you! javaagent is working and detecting calls!

But is it possible that allowBlockingCallsInside stop working in new spring boot and reactor versions ? I've tried both ways
BlockHound.install(builder -> builder.allowBlockingCallsInside(BlockingClass.class.getName(), "inner"));
and for test

public class Config implements BlockHoundIntegration {

    public void applyTo(BlockHound.Builder builder) {
        builder.allowBlockingCallsInside(BlockingClass.class.getName(), "inner");

Spring boot v: 3.0.4
actuator v: 3.0.4
micrometer-observation v: 1.10.4
micrometer-core v: 1.10.4
blockhound v: 1.0.8
reactor-core v: 3.5.7 latest

Hi @Alexspenc212 ,

I just did a test, it seems to work for me, but in your example, I think that the @autoservice should be declared like this:


can you retry ?

I have attached below my sample project:

to test:

mvn clean package
java -XX:+AllowRedefinitionToAddDeleteMethods -javaagent:blockhound-1.0.8.RELEASE.jar -jar target/test-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
reactor.blockhound.BlockingOperationError: Blocking call! java.lang.Thread.sleep
	at java.base/java.lang.Thread.sleep(
	at com.example.BlockingDisallowTest$NonBlockingClass.inner(
	at com.example.BlockingDisallowTest$NonBlockingClass.outer(
	at com.example.BlockingDisallowTest.lambda$main$0(
	at java.base/
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
	at java.base/

Thank you a lot !