reactjs / react-art

React Bridge to the ART Drawing Library

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how to get paths from illustrator working

faceyspacey opened this issue · comments

The paths generated in illustrator look close enough to what's used in the examples. Illustrator seems to generate SVG paths with hyphens though:


Here's what is working from the examples:

var RED_DOT_PATH = "M12.5,17 C16.0898511,17 19,14.0898511 19,10.5 C19,6.91014895 16.0898511,4 12.5,4 C8.91014895,4 6,6.91014895 6,10.5 C6,14.0898511 8.91014895,17 12.5,17 Z M12.5,17";

How do I generate (or convert) to something like that using Illustrator and exporting SVGs?

I think those paths from Illustrator should work. The hyphens are just minus signs. That is,


means "move to (382.79, 279.74), then draw a line to the point 29 units left and 18 units down".