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Japanese Translation Progress

tesseralis opened this issue · comments

For New Translators

To translate a page:

  1. Check that no one else has claimed your page in the checklist and comments below.
  2. Comment below with the name of the page you would like to translate. Take only one page at a time.
  3. Submit a PR!

Please check the style guide and word list to make sure translations are written in a consistent manner.

Also check out the Crowdin repository before starting translation of a new article. Click and open each article to see how much work has been actually done. "0%" in the index page does not mean the article has not been translated!

For Reviewers

Before starting your thorough review, please make a comment in the individual PR page so that too many duplicate suggestions/comments will not happen at the same time. "Reviewers" section at the right means "those people will review eventually".

Work List

(🏃 Work in Progress; 👀 In Review)

Core Pages

To do before releasing as an "official" translation. Please translate these pages first.


API Reference


These are the navigation links that appears in the sidebar. Possibly wait until
the corresponding sections are translated to do these.

Next Steps

These are the next most important translations, ordered by importance:



Everyone is hooked on hooks! People are really excited for these and it would be great for them to be translated.

  • Hooks (@smikitky)
    • Introducing Hooks #18
    • Hooks at a Glance #48
    • Using the State Hook #51
    • Using the Effect Hook #54
    • Rules of Hooks #64
    • Building Your Own Hooks #65
    • Hooks API Reference #130
    • Hooks FAQ #115


These are the pages that you get when you click the links in the console (e.g. People tend to search these, so please don't translate the error message itself.

  • Warnings (@uehaj) #50
    • dont-call-proptypes
    • invalid-aria-prop
    • legacy-factories
    • refs-must-have-owner
    • special-props
    • unknown-prop
    • invalid-hook-call-warning (new)

Advanced Guides


Testing 🆕


Priority: Low


Components in src/components that have some text in them.

Additional Translations

These are not the primary translation targets.

  • Blog
  • Community

I'd like to work on Composition vs Inheritance

@Naturalclar Thank you! Probably you can use the Crowdin's work as a base. We have not established a formal reviewing process, but once you've made a PR, I or someone will take a look.

As a model of translation, I think I want to work on a tutorial

@potato4d have you finished the glossary yet?

After I finished translating glossary, it was meant as an example of translation of that glossary!

@smikitky Thank you! I've made a PR for translation of composition-vs-inheritance based on the translation on Crowdin

I'd like to work on Lifting State Up 👍

@potato4d Tutorial is one of the longest (and the most outdated) articles, and I believe your top priority for the next few days is to set up the bot. According to this comment, we need to establish a good workflow in a few days. Do you think you can handle both?

@sasurau4 Thank you!

@smikitky I think I'll be able to handle the bot myself -- we'll probably end up forking che-tsumi so it'll be easier to customize. @potato4d I would still like your help though -- I'll ask you some questions in email :)

For now,

  • Please do NOT modify link URLs in the original markdown even if there is a Japanese equivalent (using the Japanese version of an MDN/Wikipedia article, etc)
  • Please do NOT worry about anchor names, just translate the heading text (reactjs/ This means some inter-page links won't work now, but we'll fix this afterwards.

@smikitky I think you can edit my issue with these additional notifications.

Why shouldn't we translate the external links? I'm curious because someone on the Spanish translation team was asking.

@tesseralis I just wanted to play it safe until members of all forks reach some consensus about this :) We may come up with some automated solution.

I don't think so... It depends on whether those links exist / are high quality in each language, right? Like, Japanese Wiki might have a good article on "declarative programming" but maybe Russian doesn't?

Will think of a way to do general translation guidelines.

@potato4d do you have any thoughts from your experience with vue?

This is something we have to eventually discuss in the main repo. But React doc currently has literally hundreds of English-only external links (to Stack Overflow questions, YouTube videos, personal blog articles, Tweets, etc), which is atypical as the official documentation of a large library. I feel changing only a small part of them on an ad-hoc basis might not be a manageable option at least in the short term.

Sure, do you want to leave a comment on the main issue? Or if you want it to just be among translators I created a parent group for the internationalization effort:

I don't think it's "ad hoc" to have the rule:

"If this link is for technical documentation and there is a high quality translation, link to the translation. Otherwise, keep the original English link."

There are copious links to non-translateable things like YouTube videos and StackOverflow and I think that is a issue to be handled by the English repo writers, but I don't think that should be a blocker.

Since it seems better to prioritize the setting of Bot, it may be better to ask smikitky for the tutorial.
Could you please?

@tesseralis @smikitky

In the case of Vue document, when I find a document translated by MDN etc., I am changing the link.

For example, most people reading Japanese documents are Japanese.
And, in most cases the Japanese are seeking Japanese document.

I just submitted a pull request to introduce TextLint.
If you have an opinion, please comment.


Okay, I'll take care of the tutorial.

May I take Thinking in React ?

@Nkzn Yes, please!

May I take React and React.Component?

Yes, please!

Can I take FAQ ?

Could I take JS Environment Requirements ?

I'd like to work on Shallow Renderer

@saitoeku3 @sakito21 Thank you!

I have some questions.

  1. Why we should check the old translation? I think it is too old.
  2. How do we check the quality of the new translation? How is the reviewer determined?

If I shouldn't discuss here, change the place.

Home page ってまだ空いてますか?やります。

I have some questions.

  1. Why we should check the old translation? I think it is too old.
  2. How do we check the quality of the new translation? How is the reviewer determined?

If I shouldn't discuss here, change the place.

これ自分も賛成で、React のドキュメントは、初学者が最初に読む重要な資料なので、学習資料として意味が通る翻訳にしたいという思いがあるのですが、そういったクオリティチェックに関しては今の所どんな感じでしょうか?

@takanorip @superyusuke Thank you for your interest.

  1. It depends on the article you're referring to. Some pages are already nearly 100% complete on Crowdin. In addition, the translation there are more or less reviewed with consistency in mind by more than one person, so it's safer to start based on it whenever possible. Still, you can always ignore some (or all) of them if you want.
  2. This fork started yesterday, and there is no established workflow yet. Tentatively, @tesseralis assigned me as the primary reviewer/maintainer, and I am willing to check every PR. I was also the person who once completed the translation at Crowdin. Honestly speaking, I did not expect this enthusiasm, so someone who wants to focus on quality assurance can nominate themselves as a dedicated reviewer.

My top priority is to make a translation guide (including style guideline).

May I work on Test Renderer?

@takanorip @superyusuke
(As additional information) see #2 and #6 and #3
If you have an opinion, please comment!

@ossan-engineer Sorry for the late reply. よろしくお願いします.
@superyusuke Thank you. ホームページとなると一段厳しくみんなでクオリティチェックされる可能性が高いのでレビューは気長にお付き合いください。
@queq1890 Yes, thank you!


Can I take DOM Elements?

May I work on ReactDOM?

May I work on ReactDOMServer?

Thanks for your answer.
I translate some documents and review other translation for now.

I will translate Test Utilities.

I'd like to work on Installation (

Contributing seems to be done p much already on crowdin.

May I work on SyntheticEvent ?

Hi everyone!

I'm simply amazed at the incredible effort you've put in so far. I updated the issue with a stronger guideline on the rest of the sections, as suggested by @gaearon.

@ossan-engineer, the FAQ is composed of multiple sections. Could you start off with one and open up the rest to other people?

May I take "Add React to a Website" ? If there is other parts to be worked, please inform me.

@uehaj Could you take one of the "warnings" first? These are the pages that are linked in the console warnings that happen, and they're useful for people to look up!

@uehaj Could you take one of the "warnings" first? These are the pages that are linked in the console warnings that happen, and they're useful for people to look up!

I got it! Ill tackle the ones.


May I take CDN Links and Create a New React App ? (CDN Links is too short and is already finished.)

@tesseralis Sure! I'm starting off with faq-ajax. I'd really aprreciate it if you list and open up other FAQs.

@summertree128 @uehaj @kik4 Updated the list. よろしくお願いします



Hi everyone!

I'm thrilled to see what's going on here and I'd really like to lend a hand.
Just wondered: @uehaj are you taking the whole Warnings section? If it's too much work to be done during this weekend, tell me so I can be of help.

@tesseralis @smikitky
While waiting for his answer, I'm working on Add React to a Website part as it seems vacant. Okay with you?

Added the list of Advanced Guide / Contributing articles you can work on this weekend :)

@sato11 Thank you, assigned you to add-react-to-a-website. Each page under warnings are relatively small, so one person might handle that.

May I take Portals in Advanced guides ?

@fsubal 渋いチョイスですねw よろしくお願いします

So are we stepping into advanced section?
Having finished the draft above I'd like to take JSX In Depth part, may I?

@sato11 Yes, translating Advanced Topics was an extended goal, but since we've already run out of articles in Basics, I think we can move on.

May I take Fragments in Advanced Guides?

@shooontan Yes, thank you!

May I take Refs and the DOM in Advanced Guides?

Hi. May I take Code Splitting in Advanced Guides?


May I take Error Boundaries in Advanced Guides?

May I take Context in Advanced Guides?

@y-temp4 @atsumine @uenitty @locol23 Thank you, please start translations.

Hi I'd love to join. Can I take React Without ES6 in Advanced Guides?

Hi, can I take Render Props ?

I'm thrilled to see what's going on here and I'd really like to lend a hand.
Just wondered: @uehaj are you taking the whole Warnings section? If it's too much work to be done during this weekend, tell me so I can be of help.

Sorry for late responding and thanks for consideration. I have done whole warnings section.
Textlint is passes the last PR commit.

Hi, can I take React Without JSX in Advance Guides?

May I take "Optimizing Performance" ?



CC @koba04 @potato4d @takanorip @sasurau4



一方で、一人だけでは気づかないこともあるはずなので、せっかく今 2 Appove がマージ条件になっていることも活かして、 Approve を出したタイミングで別の人が見るという流れを基本とすると効率的かなぁと思いますが、いかがでしょう?


  1. レビュアー A レビュー宣言
  2. レビュアー A レビュー
  3. 作業者 レビュー対応
  4. (2〜3を繰り返し) レビュアー A Approve
  5. 1〜4をレビュアー B が行う
  6. マージ

とはいえ今レビューに貢献くださっている人は Approve 権限がない人もいるはずなので、その場合はコメントで代替するなどになるかとは思います。

@potato4d まあ厳密ではなくても、「1人目がまず全体をちゃんと見るまで他の人は待つ」みたいな意識が共有できていればうまく動くかなと思います。私のところで作業をとどめすぎるのは良くないので、Approveはそこまでの流れを眺めて総合的に「これなら大丈夫」と判断してやります。

Approve は一応個人のオピニオンとして持っておいたほうが安全かなぁという印象がありました。特に件数が増えてくると重複してる部分を見るのが怪しくなりがちなので、誰かのレビュー(というよりその人からのレビュー対応)が落ち着いた頃にやったほうが、作業者の心理的にも優しそうな気がしています

@smikitky @potato4d なるべく明確にルール化されている方が、レビュイー/レビュアーにとっても安心だと思います。Approve自体は権限なくても示すことが出来るので、下記のフローを繰り返してマージボタンを押せる状態(権限ある人の 2 Approve)になったらマージするのは如何でしょう。

  1. レビュアー レビュー宣言
  2. レビュアー レビュー
  3. 作業者 レビュー対応
  4. (2〜3を繰り返し) レビュアー Approve
  5. マージの条件を満たした場合はマージ、そうでなければ別のレビュアーが条件を満たすまで1〜4を繰り返す

「in review」というラベルを作ってみました。

とりあえず #61 に移動して続けましょう…

Could I take dont-call-proptypes in the Warnings section?

Actually, I saw that dont-call-proptypes is already being reviewed in #50.

Could I take Typechecking With PropTypes instead?

I'll work on Rules of Hooks !

@Sasurau Hooks-related articles have been already translated, so could you choose another article?

@smikitky Oh, I misunderstood! 💦
I take Accessibility instead.

Hello, could I work on Strict Mode on Advanced Guides?

I'd like to work on Web Components

Hi, can I take Babel, JSX, and Build Steps ?

Hi all! I just synced from the original repo and there's some files that need re-translating! (Look for the <<<<<< HEAD comments)


#91 で、先週のフォークからの1週間で upstream (本家 で起きたドキュメントの更新に対応するコミットが大量にマージされます。が、とりあえず翻訳絡みで影響があるのは Test Utils (#57, @takanorip) とフック絡みの各種記事 (@smikitky) のみです。他の方は現在の作業をそのまま続けて問題ありません。よろしくお願いします。

Can I take Reconciliation ?

@km-tr よろしくお願いします。Crowdinの翻訳をベースにする場合「突き合わせ」という訳語が使われていると思いますが、「更新検出処理」ないし「リコンシリエーション」で行くことになりましたのでご確認願います。

Hi, can I take Passing Functions to Components ?

⚠️ 各位、特に現在進行中の翻訳ブランチ・PRをお持ちの方 (@uenitty @Naturalclar @sato11 @locol23 @atsumine @takanorip @superyusuke @uehaj @lightnet328):

reactjs/ と、それに対応する #96 の作業が完了し、すべての見出しに明示的にアンカー名が入るようになりました。以下のようなシンタックスです。これにより、ページ間・ページ内のすべてのリンクがURLを全く変えずに動作するようになります。

## Try React {#try-react}

### What does const [thing, setThing] = useState() mean? {#destructuring}


## React を試す {#try-react}

### const [thing, setThing] = useState() という記法の意味は? {#destructuring}

まだ master にマージされていない PR をお持ちの方は、ちょっとしたコンフリクト解決作業をお願いします。大きな改変なので、ブランチの rebase と force-push による作業がお勧めです。殆どの方には釈迦に説法で申し訳ありませんが、こちらでも軽く説明しています。お手数ですがよろしくお願いします。


これで無事 v16.8 リリース(Hook 導入)と ID 導入という大きな作業を乗り越えたので、当面は大きな改変はそうそう起きないと思います。よろしくお願いします。

Excellent work everyone! We're almost done with the core pages!

@lightnet328 @euxn23 how is the progress on your pages? It's been a while, if you are unable to complete those, please let us know so we can reassign those to other people.

I'd like to work on Styling and CSS

I would like to translate Higher-Order Components section.

I'd like to work on Static Type Checking

I'm going to take Component State in FAQ.

I'm going to open up ReactDOMServer since @euxn23 hasn't responded. Would anyone like to take it?

I'd like to work on Virtual DOM and Internals


May I take Uncontrolled Components?

May I take Integrating with Other Libraries?

お知らせ 半角スペースにまつわる細かいルールについてお手数をおかけしていましたが、自動でこれらを発見できる(--fix による自動修正はまだできない) textlint を #98 で導入しました。リベースして取り込んでいただければ作業が少し楽になると思います。よろしくお願いします。