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(Work in progress) React documentation website in Gujarati

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Gujarati Translation Progress

gaearon opened this issue · comments


For New Translators

To translate a page:

  1. Check that no one else has claimed your page in the checklist and comments below.
  2. Comment below with the name of the page you would like to translate. Please take only one page at a time.
  3. Clone this repo, translate your page, and submit a pull request!

Before contributing, read the glossary and style guide (once they exist) to understand how to translate various technical and React-specific terms.

Please be prompt with your translations! If you find that you can't commit anymore, let the maintainers know so they can assign the page to someone else.

For Maintainers

When someone volunteers, edit this issue with the username of the volunteer, and with the PR. Ex:

- [ ] Some Page (@exampleusername) #12345

When PRs are merged, make sure to mark that page as completed like this:

- [x] Some Page (@exampleusername) #12345

This ensures your translation's progress is tracked correctly at

Main Content

To do before releasing as an "official" translation. Please translate these pages first.

Note that each section has an index page, which needs to be translated too.

Learn React

  • Quick Start

  • Installation

  • Describing the UI

    • Your First Component (@harshilparmar)
    • Importing and Exporting Components
    • Writing Markup with JSX
    • JavaScript in JSX with Curly Braces
    • Passing Props to a Component
    • Conditional Rendering
    • Rendering Lists
    • Keeping Components Pure
  • Adding Interactivity

    • Responding to Events
    • State: A Component's Memory
    • Render and Commit
    • State as a Snapshot
    • Queueing a Series of State Updates
    • Updating Objects in State
    • Updating Arrays in State
  • Managing State

    • Reacting to Input with State
    • Choosing the State Structure
    • Sharing State Between Components
    • Preserving and Resetting State
    • Extracting State Logic into a Reducer
    • Passing Data Deeply with Context
    • Scaling Up with Reducer and Context
  • Escape Hatches

    • Referencing Values with Refs
    • Manipulating the DOM with Refs
    • Synchronizing with Effects
    • You Might Not Need an Effect
    • Lifecycle of Reactive Effects
    • Separating Events from Effects
    • Removing Effect Dependencies
    • Reusing Logic with Custom Hooks

API Reference

  • react: Hooks

    • useCallback
    • useContext
    • useDebugValue
    • useDeferredValue
    • useEffect
    • useId
    • useImperativeHandle
    • useInsertionEffect
    • useLayoutEffect
    • useMemo
    • useReducer
    • useRef
    • useState
    • useSyncExternalStore
    • useTransition
  • react: Components

    • <Fragment> (<>)
    • <Profiler>
    • <StrictMode>
    • <Suspense>
  • react: APIs

    • createContext
    • forwardRef
    • lazy
    • memo
    • startTransition
  • react-dom: Components

    • Common (e.g. <div>)
    • <input>
    • <option>
    • <progress>
    • <select>
    • <textarea>
  • react-dom: APIs

    • createPortal
    • flushSync
    • findDOMNode
    • hydrate
    • render
    • unmountComponentAtNode
  • react-dom/client: Client APIs

    • createRoot
    • hydrateRoot
  • react-dom/server: Server APIs

    • renderToNodeStream
    • renderToPipeableStream
    • renderToReadableStream
    • renderToStaticMarkup
    • renderToStaticNodeStream
    • renderToString

Navigation and UI

We suggest to leave most of the UI translation until the end. We plan to do some invasive changes to the website folder layout and components, so postponing this until your translation is almost complete would make it easier to merge the changes from our side later. It might make sense to translate the homepage above the fold early, but leave the rest for later. As individual pages get translated, you can change the page titles in the corresponding sidebar files. Finally, when you're translating the navigation, make sure to test both desktop and mobile layouts.

  • Homepage (currently in HomeContent.js)
  • Sidebars (currently in src/sidebar*.json)
  • Top-level navigation (currently in TopNav.tsx)

When You're Ready...

After everything above is translated, add your language to deployedLanguages in Seo.tsx of the original reactjs/ repository.

Secondary Content

These API pages should ideally be translated too, but they're less urgent and can be done after the others:

  • Legacy React APIs
    • Children
    • cloneElement
    • Component
    • createElement
    • createFactory
    • createRef
    • isValidElement
    • PureComponent

Optional Content

These aren't the main translation targets, but if you'd like to do them, feel free to expand the list to include their subpages:

  • Community
  • Blog
  • Warnings

Maintainer List

This translation is maintained by:

If you want to become a maintainer, ask them to add you. If the original maintainers are no longer responsive, raise an issue in the main translations repository.

Hey! I am Gujarati-speaking Indian. Willing to contribute.
Page: Thinking in React

@gaearon I would like to support Malayalam translation for React. Please guide me what I should I do. I can spend time as a
maintainer as well as translator. I would be available most of the IST.

Hi @harshilparmar , @idarshan181 and @gaearon
I am Gujarati Speaking Indian and I am very much willing to contribute.
Is there any possibility that I can do that ?

@asimkt There is already a PR for Malayalam reactjs/ you can check and ask there.

Hey! I am Gujarati-speaking Indian. Willing to contribute. Page: Thinking in React

@TheRakeshPurohit I have assigned you a page: Thinking in React.

Hi @harshilparmar , @idarshan181 and @gaearon I am Gujarati Speaking Indian and I am very much willing to contribute. Is there any possibility that I can do that ?

Please select one topic from above so I can assign you.

Hi @harshilparmar
I can do Start a New React Project Page now. Can I proceed with that ?

@bhavikg-dev You are good to go. I will add Grocery in Wiki section so you can take a look before commit.

Hi @harshilparmar, I want to contribute on this page "React Developer Tools"
Please assign it to me

@getumangon I have assigned you "React Developer tools". Thanks!!

Hii @gaearon @TheRakeshPurohit @harshilparmar@idarshan181
I am a native Gujarati speaker and I would like to contribute to the Editor setup page. Could you please assign it to me?

@shubhamkhunt04 Done! You can continue working.

I have assigned the 'Your First Component' page to myself to work on.