reactjs / express-react-views

This is an Express view engine which renders React components on server. It renders static markup and *does not* support mounting those views on the client.

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webpack css loader compatibility

a-x- opened this issue · comments

// Excuse my beginner's English

I use explicit collecting css into the bundle.css via imports:
import './PoetAvatar.css'

webpack reads these imports and put all grabbed CSS together into my dist/bundle.css

I attempted to add server-side rendering now

Then I got the error: Syntax error: Unexpected token .

Is it possible that express-react-views would inline CSS from these imports into the <style>?

Long time without comment from me, sorry about that. I don't really want to add webpack into the mix here, and not really sure the best way to even do that, but if somebody wanted to work on an example I'd take it. Honestly though you probably just want to use something like Next.js (