reactive-tech / kubegres

Kubegres is a Kubernetes operator allowing to deploy one or many clusters of PostgreSql instances and manage databases replication, failover and backup.

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Certificate-based Authentication

hxtk opened this issue · comments

I'm attempting to set up kubegres with certificate-based authentication, replacing password-based authentication entirely using the cert auth-method [1] [2] That is, I want my pg_hba.conf to look something like this:

hostssl    all             all             all                     cert clientcert=1

Much of the issues that must be overcome to accomplish this are similar to the issues described in #81. However, using the cert auth method for the replication role is forbidden in practice because the spec requires that we have POSTGRES_PASSWORD and POSTGRES_REPLICATION_PASSWORD environment variables set [3], and the replication role is created with a password in a the non-overridable script [4].

The POSTGRES_PASSWORD variable is understandable as it is required by the base image to be non-empty, so I understand you have a requirement for that; an acceptable tradeoff for me is to modify that account after initialization. The replication user, on the other hand, poses a concern for me that I'm not sure how best to overcome.




if !r.doesEnvVarExist(ctx.EnvVarNameOfPostgresSuperUserPsw) {
specCheckResult.HasSpecFatalError = true
specCheckResult.FatalErrorMessage = r.createErrMsgSpecUndefined("spec.env.POSTGRES_PASSWORD")
if !r.doesEnvVarExist(ctx.EnvVarNameOfPostgresReplicationUserPsw) {
specCheckResult.HasSpecFatalError = true
specCheckResult.FatalErrorMessage = r.createErrMsgSpecUndefined("spec.env.POSTGRES_REPLICATION_PASSWORD")

4: |
set -e
dt=$(date '+%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S');
echo "$dt - Creating replication role...";
echo "$dt - Running: psql -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 --username $POSTGRES_USER --dbname $POSTGRES_DB ... CREATE ROLE replication WITH REPLICATION PASSWORD ... GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION pg_promote TO replication;";
psql -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 --username "$POSTGRES_USER" --dbname "$POSTGRES_DB" <<-EOSQL
GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION pg_promote TO replication;
echo "$dt - Replication role created";

I've worked through this problem and gotten a working solution. It's not "clean" and requires manual changes, but I can now identify two distinct subtasks that will allow this to be completed with the standard tooling, so I am closing this ticket to create two precisely-targeted tickets for those specific changes.