react-toolbox / react-toolbox-themr

A tool to statically extract and generate custom themes for React Toolbox

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hamburger manu on the app bar doesn't look right

7seven7lst opened this issue · comments

this is what i have for the package.json config:

"reactToolbox": {
    "include": [
    "customProperties": {
      "animation-duration": "0.3s",
      "color-accent": "var(--palette-pink-a200)",
      "color-accent-dark": "var(--palette-pink-700)",
      "color-primary-contrast": "var(--color-dark-contrast)",
      "color-accent-contrast": "var(--color-dark-contrast)",
      "preferred-font": "'Jura', sans-serif;"
    "output": "src/assets/react-toolbox"

I cannot add "FONT_ICON" to that long list ( throw this Path must be a string. Received undefined error)

and the hamburger manu looks like this:
screenshot 2017-06-14_21-05-51

@7seven7lst It looks like you aren't including the Material Design Icons. See the "Roboto Font and Material Design Icons" here: