react-theming / storybook-addon-material-ui

Addon for storybook wich wrap material-ui components into MuiThemeProvider. :page_with_curl: This helps and simplifies development of material-ui based components.

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Material-ui V5 (next)

Boimb opened this issue · comments


Nice job you've done there!
Since I'm using the next version of Material-ui, there are some breaking changes that make this add-on deprecated. (The ThemeProvider mainly)
I don't see that much more activity up there, so I was wondering if you where still active, and if you planed to be V5 (aka next for now) compliant.

I could try a PR if it may be merged.
Just let me now where you're at and if this kind of contribution is still possible.

Hey @Boimb Thanks!
This addon isn't deprecated but doesn't actively developed. PRs are always welcome but probably you could consider using this addon istead this one is more universal and also has support for Material-UI. Potenitially in a future we'll switch the core of storybook-addon-material-ui to this one


Hi @usulpro Did not find this one. Thx. Gonna take a look at it.
keep up the good work.