react-theming / storybook-addon-material-ui

Addon for storybook wich wrap material-ui components into MuiThemeProvider. :page_with_curl: This helps and simplifies development of material-ui based components.

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Cannot download theme

thealjey opened this issue · comments

For some reason the "Clone Theme", "Clear Theme", "Download Theme" and "Help" buttons do nothing at all.
I can edit the theme, but I cannot download it.
Running on localhost. Latest versions of everything.
There are no errors in the browser console.

I've also noticed this.

Just quickly poking around and I found here that the UI components don't have an onclick on them.

By the looks of it, the necessary functions are already defined here.

I'm not too familar too familiar with this kind of project structure yet, but I think the AddonPannel in components was supposed to magically work with the UI AddonPanel? A quick and dirty fix (locally) would probably be to copy over that logic to the UI component, need to read up on React to see what the author meant to do.