react-theming / storybook-addon-material-ui

Addon for storybook wich wrap material-ui components into MuiThemeProvider. :page_with_curl: This helps and simplifies development of material-ui based components.

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MuiThemeProvider not Working with Separate Storybook Project

chriszwickerocteris opened this issue · comments

I have a setup with one storybook project containing stories from different projects in a monorepo. When using storybook-addon-material-ui, my theme does not get injected into a themed component, but rather the default theme gets used.

I've created a temporary workaround by patching muiTheme.js and UI/MuiDecorator.js to allow passing an additional option themeProvider and using that instead of the imported MuiThemeProvider. In my stories, I then specifically import MuiThemeProvider from node_modules in the project my target component is defined in and pass it to muiTheme in addDecorator.

Maybe there is a better solution for the problem? If not, it would be great if you could integrate my changes (I'm currently patching the transpiled JS files using patch-package, but happy to provide a PR if that helps!).

An even better alternative might be an option to specify the (relative) path to the project from which to use @material-ui/core. This would avoid having to install the package into the separate storybook project. Would be a bit more complicated, though ;-)

Hey @chriszwickerocteris

If I right understand you faced a case when you need to provide your own ThemeProvider to this addon? It looks interesting and opens possibility to use the addon with other theming systems.
Maybe I miss something in your specific case but I'd be happy if you show your idea in terms of addon API or start a PR. 👍

Sorry, missed your reply. I'll try to find the time to create a PR (soon, hopefully)!