react-pure-loaders / react-pure-loaders

React PureComponent loading animations

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wps13 opened this issue · comments

I have tried to access the link given in the repository desciption and found the following:

Screen Shot 2019-06-13 at 16 31 39

Is the page supposed to look like this? Do you have any plans to change?

@wps13 Strange the website should be a storybook site with working examples. I am not sure what has happened to it. I will dig into this hopefully this weekend.

@wps13 I haven’t had time to look at this item. I had knee surgery last Wednesday and was hoping to be able to sit down and dig into this during the weekend. I haven’t been able to. I also would like to add in what you have done for the examples to help people. So I am labeling this “Help Wanted” opening it up to anyone, till I can get to it. If you have time and want to look into it, I would greatly appreciate it.

Looking into the server logs it looks like it’s missing babel-loader from it’s dependencies.

I must of missed something from the Storybook migration guide I am not near my laptop at the moment to be able to pull this down and double check the dependencies and that I didn’t miss anything else from the migration.

@jameswlane I hope that you get well soon! I will check it.

@wps13 I appreciate it, hopefully they will get the stitches out this week 🤷‍♂