react-native-community / RNNewArchitectureLibraries

A collection of sample React Native Libraries that will show you how to use the New Architecture (Fabric & TurboModules) step-by-step.

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Can't find a way to run swift methods, tried this repo but getting weird errors.

universeisblack opened this issue · comments

just cloned the repo and add it to a local react native app proejct to test if things are working. but in ios i'm gettin' RNCalculatorSpec.h file not found error.

i assume that the repo is updated as it's got multiple separate branches.
this's frustrating actually. can't find much information in docs as well.

'calculator-Swift.h' file not found
now getting this error as there's no bridging-header file by default in the repo.
fixed the earlier error by running RCT_NEW_ARCH_ENABLED=1 bundle exec pod install

Hi @universeisblack, thanks for trying it out.
The repo has fallen a little behind, as we are now on React Native 0.73 while these examples are all for 0.71.

I don't have much time as of these days to update it, I'm sorry for that. I hope to find some time soon.
Notice that Swift is not officially supported by React Native yet, due to the complexity of the C++ layer that runs under the hood and the lack of complete interoperability between Swift and C++. We are slowing making progress, but the path is still long.

Hello, wondering if anyone has had a chance to look at the examples more recently. Having similar issues as @universeisblack when trying to follow along on 0.74.

Thank you.

@aalimov Hi. If you are developing a module, check the headers
this is already my third module (object-c/java) and everything works for me.
in the new architecture, you can write only in object-c. nor can you pass an object to methods
Знімок екрана 2024-08-02 о 21 11 41