react-grid-layout / react-grid-layout

A draggable and resizable grid layout with responsive breakpoints, for React.

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After changing the browser window size, a bug appears in the width calculation of react-grid-item.

kkbda opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

After changing the browser window size, a bug appears in the width calculation of react-grid-item.Here is my code


And I also recorded a video。

Your Example Website or App


Steps to Reproduce the Bug or Issue

  1. pull my code and run
  2. resize broswer

Expected behavior

width and height always correct

react-grid-layout library version


Operating System Version

MacBook Pro 13-inch, M1, 2020



Additional context

No response

Screenshots or Videos


This is relatively reasonable; there are many fractional sizes possible as you resize the browser, it's expected that grid items won't line up exactly to the subpixel.

If this is a problem for you, you could dive into:

* Return position on the page given an x, y, w, h.
* left, top, width, height are all in pixels.
* @param {PositionParams} positionParams Parameters of grid needed for coordinates calculations.
* @param {Number} x X coordinate in grid units.
* @param {Number} y Y coordinate in grid units.
* @param {Number} w W coordinate in grid units.
* @param {Number} h H coordinate in grid units.
* @return {Position} Object containing coords.
export function calcGridItemPosition(
positionParams: PositionParams,
x: number,
y: number,
w: number,
h: number,
state: ?Object
): Position {
const { margin, containerPadding, rowHeight } = positionParams;
const colWidth = calcGridColWidth(positionParams);
const out = {};
// If resizing, use the exact width and height as returned from resizing callbacks.
if (state && state.resizing) {
out.width = Math.round(state.resizing.width);
out.height = Math.round(state.resizing.height);
// Otherwise, calculate from grid units.
else {
out.width = calcGridItemWHPx(w, colWidth, margin[0]);
out.height = calcGridItemWHPx(h, rowHeight, margin[1]);
// If dragging, use the exact width and height as returned from dragging callbacks.
if (state && state.dragging) { = Math.round(;
out.left = Math.round(state.dragging.left);
} else if (
state &&
state.resizing &&
typeof === "number" &&
typeof state.resizing.left === "number"
) { = Math.round(;
out.left = Math.round(state.resizing.left);
// Otherwise, calculate from grid units.
else { = Math.round((rowHeight + margin[1]) * y + containerPadding[1]);
out.left = Math.round((colWidth + margin[0]) * x + containerPadding[0]);
return out;

I have this same issue...

@STRML Thank you for your reply. What should I do if I want to correct this issue? Or can we only fork the repository to modify the source code?