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isPartiallyCurrent error in matching

andreasottosson opened this issue · comments


The following code produces a match for /pro when on /products using isPartiallyCurrent, is this correct? We are trying to use this to add active styling to top level Links when on subpages. So /products/product1 should not match /pro but it should match /products. Perhaps isPartiallyCurrent is not what we are looking for?

import React from "react";
import { render } from "react-dom";
import { Router, Link, Match } from "@reach/router";

const NavLink = (props) => (
    getProps={({ isPartiallyCurrent }) => {
      // the object returned here is passed to the
      // anchor element's props
      return {
        style: {
          color: isPartiallyCurrent ? "red" : "blue"

const App = (props) => (
    <h1>Active Links</h1>
      <NavLink to="/products">Products</NavLink>
      <NavLink to="/pro">Professional</NavLink>

const Products = () => (
    <NavLink to="/products/product1">Product 1</NavLink>

const Product1 = () => (
    <h2>Product 1</h2>
    <p>My fancy product.</p>

const Professional = () => (

    <App path="/">
      <Products path="/products" />
      <Product1 path="/products/product1" />
      <Professional path="/pro" />

You can run this easily by pasting this code over index.js in this example :)

Best regards,

So to give some more constructive feedback this is how I solved it,

const isPartiallyActiveExact = (props) => {
  const currentLocation = props.location.pathname
  const toProp = props.href
  const regex = new RegExp(`${toProp}/`, 'i')
  if (regex.test(currentLocation) || currentLocation === toProp) {
    return { className: 'active' }

and used getProps={isPartiallyActiveExact} on the Link's that needed this. This makes sure that /pro does not match /products etc. but /pro/someotherpage will match as partially active which to me is more correct. Perhaps this could be implemented as isPartiallyActiveExact or something like that?