rdunlop / dotfiles

Robin's dotfiles

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Robin's Dotfile document.

This is a personalized configuration to specify the setup that I use on my laptop.

The goal is to make it easy to re-create my development environment on new systems, if needed.

What's in it


  • 1Password
  • Skype
  • Dropbox
  • Spectacle
  • TripMode
  • SublimeText 3
  • Keybase (not working yet)
  • Docker (not working yet)
  • Nozbe
  • CircleCI commandline tool

Command-line tools

  • hub
  • git
  • zsh
  • rvm/ruby
  • nvm/node
  • heroku toolchain
  • chef
  • aws (not working yet)


  • SublimeText
  • Spectacle App


  • Install the ssh keys for my various needs from keybase

Before Installation:

  • In System Preferences -> Security & Privacy
    • ensure that “Allow apps downloaded from ‘App Store and identified developers’” is chosen.
    • Ensure that if you leave this page, and return, the setting stays chosen.
      • if not, you may need to reinstall Mac OS


  • install git by running git, and having os X prompt you to install it
  • install brew from https://brew.sh
  • Run brew doctor and resolve any issues with folders / permissions
  • Run brew install gnupg gnupg2
  • install 1password with brew install --cask 1password
  • install keybase with brew install --cask keybase
    • Login to keybase, using an existing device for authentication
    • In Keybase-Settings, enable the "Files" feature, to mount the Keybase filesystem
    • cd /Keybase/private/robindunlop
    • Install the ssh keys with cd ssh_config && ./install.sh
    • Install the ssh keys with cd aws_config && ./install.sh
  • download this repo
    • cd ~/
    • git clone https://github.com/rdunlop/dotfiles.git
    • cd dotfiles

Run one of the three installation options:

rake install:brew            # Install homebrew packages and Mac defaults
rake install:link_spectacles # Install Spectacles.app config (NOTE: Open spectacle app once first)
rake install:link_sublime    # Sym-link/install SublimeText configurations
rake install:dotfiles        # Install the dotfiles and scripts
rake install:rvm             # Install ruby version manager
rake install:mac_os_settings # set up some nice-to-configure mac settings
rake install:all             # Install all of the above (recommended)

Remap the Caps-lock key to Escape:

Sublime Text Troubleshooting

If the Sublime Text packages do not appear to be working, install the "Package Control" package, and then they should start working.


  1. Set up 1Password manager by using an existing 1password app (on your phone, for example), sync passwords.
  2. Set up Keybase running keybase login
  3. run /Keybase/private/robindunlop/ssh_config/install.sh to install the ssh keys
  4. run /Keybase/private/robindunlop/aws_config/install.sh to install the ssh keys

macOS defaults

Some macOS defaults:


Install Homebrew-sourced programs

When setting up a new Mac, you may want to install some common Homebrew formulae (after installing Homebrew, of course):


Some of the functionality of these dotfiles depends on formulae installed by brew.sh. If you don’t plan to run brew.sh, you should look carefully through the script and manually install any particularly important ones. A good example is Bash/Git completion: the dotfiles use a special version from Homebrew.


Robin's dotfiles


Language:Shell 88.1%Language:Ruby 11.9%