rdnlsmith / vscode-linux-themes

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The `import` keyword in Python has different color

hongquan opened this issue · comments

I've used the theme to test it out and it didn't shock me all that much. Would the 'import' keyword need to be the same color as the 'from' keyword?

Would the 'import' keyword need to be the same color as the 'from' keyword?

I wonder why do you have that question? Aren't import and from keywords? Doesn't it make sense that the style should be consistent, all the keyword should be in the same color?

The syntax coloring comes from Base16, so the coloring rules comes from it. I guess the thought process was that when from is used, the import keyword is only secondary to it, as in one level below (like, digging inside the module).

I'll change it though.

I noticed that VS Code seems to have convention that secondary keyword has different style from the primary one. So you can ignore this request.

screenshot from 2017-11-10 09-37-29