rdh1115 / cog

Code for the COG dataset and network

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A dataset and architecture for visual reasoning with a working memory

This is the code accompanying ECCV 2018 paper https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.06092 .

Getting started

You need to have the following libraries installed:

  • numpy
  • tensorflow. Tested with 1.8, other versions will probably work as well.
  • opencv 3. Tested with Other 3.* version should work as well.
  • scipy
 pip install opencv-python tensorflow opencv-python scipy

Some visualizations require matplotlib.

You can use your favorite python IDE to import the project. Alternatively, you can add the base directory to your PYTHONPATH.


We have pre-generated two variants of the COG dataset:

  • a canonical one with parameters (4, 3, 1) - 4 frames, maximum memory duration of 3, maximum distractors of 1
  • a "hard" one with parameters (8, 7, 10).

These datasets can be downloaded at:

Dataset stats:

  • Examples per task family for training/validation/testing: 227280/11364/11364
  • Task families: 44
  • Total examples for training/validation/testing: 10000320/500016/500016
  • gzip'ed canonical dataset is 1.2GB
  • gzip'ed hard dataset is 5.0GB

These datasets were generated with:

python cognitive/generate_dataset.py --examples_per_family=227280 \
  --parallel=12 --output_dir=/tmp/cog/data_4_3_1 \
  --epochs=4 --max_memory=3 --max_distractors=1

python cognitive/generate_dataset.py --examples_per_family=227280 \
  --parallel=12 --output_dir=/tmp/cog/data_8_7_10 \
  --epochs=8 --max_memory=7 --max_distractors=10

You can generate other variants using similar command lines. The --parallel flag instructs the script to generate the dataset in parallel using the provided number of processes. By default dataset files are gzip'ed. If you don't want to gzip automatically, use --compress=false flag. Use -h to see all the options.

Dataset format

Data is stored in text files. Each line of a file contains serialzied json string. An examples of such a string (pretty printed) is included below.

    "answers": [
    "epochs": 2,
    "family": "Go",
    "objects": [
            "color": "blue",
            "epochs": 0,
            "is_distractor": false,
            "location": [
            "shape": "vbar"
        # < more more objects>
            "color": "grey",
            "epochs": [0, 1],
            "is_distractor": true,
            "location": [
            "shape": "a"
    "question": "point now blue m"

The fields in each example mean the following:

  • epochs: the number of epochs (aka "frames") in this example.
  • answers: a list of strings or a list of floating point coordinates. The length of the list is equal to the number of epochs. The string values include a special value 'invalid' which means that the question has no valid answer after the corresponding epoch.
  • family: the task family this example belongs to.
  • question: the question that is asked about this example (aka "rule").
  • objects: a list of objects that are part of this example. Each objects has the following fields:
    • color: color of the object. The RGB values for each colors can be found in cognitive/constants.py
    • shape: a description of the shape. Shapes can be standard ascii letters as well as custom shapes like "vbar" meaning "vertical bar".
    • location: a pair of floating point numbers between 0 and 1.
    • epochs: an integer or a list of integers identifying the epochs (starting with 0) that this object is present in.
    • is_distractor: a boolean specifying if this object is used in the answering the question.



You can train a network locally with default hyperparameters by running

python cognitive/train.py --data_dir=<directory with train/val/test data> \
     --train_dir=<directory to use for checkpoints, summaries, etc>

If no data_dir is given train.py will generate examples for training and validation on the fly.

When training on a canonical dataset on GPU, you should see the results of intermediary evaluation every 10-20 minutes. You can use --display_step to perform evaluation more often (default value is 3000 batches). Use -h to see all the options. The default hyper-parameter values are set in the get_default_hparams_dict function.


To train in CLEVR, first, you need to download the CLEVR dataset and unzip it. Then, convert it to TFRecord format using the following command line:

python clevr/data_converter.py --command=convert --data_type='all' \
  --tfrecord_dir=<directory for output tfrecord files> \
  --raw_clevr_dir=<directory containing extracted CLEVR files>

Conversion can take about 20min.

To train on CLEVR dataset use the following command

python clevr/train.py --data_dir=<directory containing converted tf records> \
     --train_dir=<directory to use for checkpoints, summaries, etc>

To produce CLEVR test set outputs, run:

python clevr/train.py --data_dir=<directory containing converted tf records> \
     --train_dir=<directory containing checkpoint to load> \
     --clevr_test_output=<directory to output test results>



We have included a cognitive/test.py script to evaluate a model on the test dataset as well as a model checkpoint trained on canonical cog that reaches 94% accuracy.

You can run this model on examples generated on the fly with:

python cognitive/test.py --model_dir=./trained/cog_canonical

To run on a saved dataset, e.g. a downloaded canonical dataset, use the --data_dir option:

python cognitive/test.py --model_dir=./trained/cog_canonical --data_dir=/tmp/data_4_3_1/


This is not an officially supported Google product.


Code for the COG dataset and network

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 100.0%