rdbreak / rhcsa8env

This is a RHCSA8 study environment built with Vagrant/Ansible

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Access repo help

bartbus7 opened this issue · comments

Exactly what command is needed to access this link? dnf install nor yum install don't work.
"There is a Repo/AppStream available to use from http://repo.eight.example.com/BaseOS and http://repo.eight.example.com/AppStream"

These links are used to access the repo server once the environment is up and running. Can you provide your repo file(s) content?

When I look in the repo server under /etc/yum.repos.d/ there is main.repo, epel.repo, and epel-testing.repo. I was finally able to scp copy these repos over to server1 and 2, but it fails yum repolist: failed to sync cache for repo 'AppStream' / 'BaseOS'. I was able to do yum repolist for the epel.repo. I also couldn't access the http links.

I have removed and rebuilt the 2 servers, 1 and 2, and repo 30 times and still get failed to sync cache for repo 'AppStream' / 'BaseOS'. This has never worked.

I'm not having trouble on my end but it must be something. Please paste the contents of the main repo file here

Here's the main repo contents, which is exactly the same on both server 1 and 2.

How should main.repo be put on server1 and 2? I've been logging into repo server and scp copying it over to server1 and 2. Maybe I should be doing it some other way.

Issue resolved. Just used scp from repo server to copy the repos to the 2 vms.