rd003 / MovieStoreMvc

Learn to build a project in dot net mvc (6/7/8) from scratch with authentication,file handling, searching,pagination and so on

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Now upgraded to .net 8.0

How to run it

  1. clone the project git clone https://github.com/rd003/MovieStoreMvc.git

  2. open appsettings.json file and update connection string's data source=your server name

     "ConnectionStrings": {
           "conn": "data source=your_server_name;initial catalog=MovieStoreMvc; integrated security=true;encrypt=false"
  3. Delete Migrations folder

  4. Open Tools > Package Manager > Package manager console

  5. Run these 2 commands

     (i) add-migration init
     (ii) update-database
  6. Now you can run this project

How to Register as a admin and login?

  1. There is a controller UserAuthentication and a commented method Register. Uncomment the Register method
  2. Run the project and hit the url https://localhost:7095/UserAuthentication/Register. You will be registered as a admin. Now you can re comment the register user (for privacy).
  3. Now you can login with credentials Username: admin, password: Admin@123


Learn to build a project in dot net mvc (6/7/8) from scratch with authentication,file handling, searching,pagination and so on


Language:C# 72.6%Language:HTML 18.3%Language:CSS 9.1%Language:JavaScript 0.0%