rct567b / clubislive-api-client

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

clubIslive api documentation

This is a quick reference, for the full documentation go to API for clubislive



  • Request Timers
    • start: localStorage.setItem('api-log-times',1) in the browser console to activate timers.
    • stop: localStorage.removeItem('api-log-times') in the browser console to deactivate timers.


These can be set during initialization in an options object, or afterwards

  • string url
    • Url of api*(when using sails.io this will have no effect after initialization)*
  • string apiKey
    • The api key that has been assigned to you, this will be supplied on each request
  • object io
    • A sails.io instance (Has to be initialized before supplying it)
  • string language
    • 2 character country code for the preferred language
  • bool testMode
    • During testMode, data will not be changed
  • string token
    • A login token, which will be sent on every request if supplied


Callbacks always have 2 arguments; error and result.

If any error is encounterd, error will be set

result will always be the response you get from the server unless the request could not be made in which case there is no response.

exposed functions

  • global

    • formValues (formelement formElement)
    • convertObjectToForm (formelement formElement, object object)
  • global

    • search (string query, [object options], function callback)
  • performer

    • checkUsername (string username, function callback)
    • register (object form, function callback)
    • login (string username, string password, function callback)
    • search ([object searchparams], [number page], function callback)
    • searchByUsername (string username, [object options], function callback)
    • update (object form, function callback)
  • customer

    • register (object form, function callback)
    • login (string username, string password, function callback)
    • fetchOwn (function callback)
    • update (object form, function callback)
    • tip (number userId, number amount, [object options], function callback)
    • remove (function callback)
    • upload (string type, string image, function callback)
  • user

    • register (object form, function callback)
    • fetchOwn (function callback)
    • update (object form, function callback)
    • checkUsername (string username, function callback)
    • checkEmail (string email, function callback)
    • login ([string role], string username, string password, function callback)
    • loginByHash (string hash, function callback)
    • forgotPassword ([string username], [string email], function callback)
    • resetPassword (string hash, string password, function callback)
    • verifyEmail (string hash, function callback)
    • resendValidationMail (function callback)
    • online (function callback)
    • matches (function callback)
    • setProfileCover (binaryString attachment, function callback)
    • removeProfileCover (function callback)
    • findByUsername (string username, function callback)
    • uploadSnapshot (string snapshot, [string type], [object options], function callback)
    • suggestedFuddies ([object options], function callback)
    • tip (number userId, number amount, [object options], function callback)
    • remove (function callback)
    • autocomplete (string query, function callback)
    • birthdays ([object options], function callback)
  • agenda

    • fetchSchedule (string username | string date, function callback)
  • news

    • fetch (function callback)
  • message

    • fetchByUsername (string username, object params, function callback)
    • inbox ([number page], function callback)
    • compose (string to, string title, string content, function callback)
    • reply (string to, string hash, string content, function callback)
    • markRead (string hash, [number messsageId], function callback)
  • conversation

    • markAsRead (number userId, function callback)
    • fetchUnread (function callback)
    • fetch (number userId, [number page], [object params], function callback)
    • fetchAll ([number page], [number limit], function callback)
    • send (number userId, string message, [binaryString attachment], function callback)
  • follow

    • isFollowing (number userId, function callback)
    • fetchAll (function callback)
    • fetchAllFollowers ([number userId], [number page], [object options], function callback) Note: if you want to omit userId but use page, supply null as userId
    • fetchAllFollowed ([number userId], [number page], [object options], function callback)
    • follow (number userId, function callback)
    • unfollow (number userId, function callback)
  • payment

    • getAssortiment (string assortimentName, [object extraParameters], function callback)
    • createSession (object paymentData, function callback)
    • getRedeemInfo (number bundleId, function callback)
    • redeemCode (number bundleId, string code, [object options], function callback)
  • media

    • create (object mediaInfo, function callback)
    • moderate (function callback)
    • update (object mediaInfo, function callback)
    • fetchOwn (function callback)
    • fetchBought (function callback)
    • fetchByFollowers (number userId, [number limit], function callback)
    • fetchAll (string type, [string gender], [number page], function callback)
    • fetchByUsername (string username, function callback)
    • fetchAlbum (string username, number albumId, function callback)
    • checkAccess (number mediaId, function callback)
    • remove (number mediaId, function callback)
    • search ([object filters], function callback)
    • viewAlbum (number albumId, function callback)
    • buy (number mediaId, function callback)
    • rate (number mediaId, number score, function callback)
    • fetchOwnRating (number mediaId, function callback)
  • shop

    • fetch (number mediaId, function callback)
    • buy (number mediaId, number receiverId, string message, function callback)
  • activity

    • history (string event, [object options], function callback)
    • load ([number userId], [object options], function callback)
    • loadFollowed ([object options], function callback)
    • loadUser (number userId | string username, [number page], function callback)
    • daily ([object options], function callback)
  • chat

    • setVIP (string status, number userId, function callback)
    • setFreechat (string status, function callback)
    • start ([string username], function callback)
    • keepAlive ([number userId], function callback)
    • kick (string username, function callback)
    • end ([string username], function callback)
    • latestEarnings (function callback)
  • rules

    • promotion (function callback)
  • post

    • fetch ([number userId], [object options], function callback)
    • fetchSelection (number postId | array postIds, [object options], function callback)
    • fetchReplies (number postId, [number lowerThanPostId], [object options], function callback)
    • fetchSuggested ([object options], function callback)
    • compose (string body, [binaryString attachment], function callback)
    • reply (number postId, string body, [binaryString attachment], function callback)
    • delete (number postId, function callback)
    • rate (number postId, number score, function callback)
    • fetchLikers (string section, number identifier, [object options], function callback)
    • pin (number postId, [bool onNewsPage], function callback)
    • unpin (number postId, [bool onNewsPage], function callback)
  • hotornot

    • fetch ([object options], function callback)
    • upload (binaryString attachment, function callback)
  • abuse

    • report (number suspectUserId, [string section], [number identifier], string reason, function callback)



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