rcsoccersim / rcssserver

The RoboCup Soccer Simulator Server

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Cannot run ./configure or make

DriesSmit opened this issue · comments


In the README.mb it specifies to run:


When I run ./configure I get:
bash: ./configure: No such file or directory

I see however than there is a configure.ac file and not a configure file. Same with the Makefile.am. How would proceed to try and resolve this issue? Thank you.

If you'd like to use the latest source tree. Please run
autoreconf -i -f
This command generates a configure script.

If you just need officially released versions, please check the release page.
For example, the latest official release (version 16.0.0) can be found at https://github.com/rcsoccersim/rcssserver/releases/tag/rcssserver-16.0.0
https://github.com/rcsoccersim/rcssserver/releases/download/rcssserver-16.0.0/rcssserver-16.0.0.tar.gz is a released tar ball that contains a configure script.