rcsoccersim / rcssserver

The RoboCup Soccer Simulator Server

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Installation on ubuntu 20.04

constr17 opened this issue · comments

It is a tricky to install software.

To install it on ubuntu 18.04 it was possible to use next sequence.
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential automake libboost-all-dev flex bison libqt4-dev libaudio-dev libxt-dev libxi-dev libxrender-dev libfreetype6-dev libfontconfig1-dev
./configure CXXFLAGS='-std=c++14'
sudo make
sudo make install
Than configure:
sudo nano /etc/ld.so.conf
And add row /usr/local/share
Than sudo ldconfig

But for ubuntu 20.04 (or may be it last update of your server) this sequence does not work any more.
You wrote must be installed g++, make, boost, bison, flex. They all installed and it not help.

Can you write installation sequence for ubuntu 20.04?

You're running not needed commands. The only required commands are configure, make and make install.
We have a releases tab, so you don't need to build the server from source (but if want to do so, do not run make as root)


  1. Download the server source at https://github.com/rcsoccersim/rcssserver/releases/tag/rcssserver-16.0.0
  2. Extract the server files and cdto the folder where you extracted them.
  3. Make sure you have all correct dependencies installed
  4. ./configure
  5. make
  6. sudo make install

I've wrote a more detailed explanation at https://herodrigues.me/robocup2d-tutorial/md_sections_installing-the-soccer-simulator.html

While use detailed instructions for monitor received:
configure: check Qt5Core >= 5.0.0
checking for QT... no
configure: error: The Qt5Core library >= 5.0.0 could not be found.

As the message says, you have to install Qt5

Although I'm not sure what document you are refering, I recommend you chech the latest README

Yes, you are right, there are different packages