rcsoccersim / rcssserver

The RoboCup Soccer Simulator Server

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Say / freeform messages from online coach not working

philipholler opened this issue · comments

Hi robocup team!

I am using the robocup 2d soccer simulator for a project at university.

I have some trouble parsing (say "msg") messages to the server from the online coach. I simply get the (error could_not_parse_say) error.

I am using protocol version 16 on both the clients and the online coach. The server is also the newest version available on github.

I have also tried the (freeform "msg) protocol from the previous versions, but this simply returns the unknown command error.

Is this a known issue?

The protocol version 7 or later require the following format to send a freeform message:

(say (freeform "msg"))

Thank you so much for the quick answer.

This worked right away.

The entire coach section of the newest manual is missing, so i did not know what else to do, but contact you directly