rcrowley / go-tigertonic

A Go framework for building JSON web services inspired by Dropwizard

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Get Url pattern or Url with filled parameters from within handler

gorjan5sk opened this issue · comments

I'm not sure whether I've just missed it in the docs/source code, but is there a way to extract the Original Url pattern or direct Url call to which a Handler responds for example when embedding resources or dealing with pagination so that it can be returned in the JSON?

For ex.
The url for an /api/experimental/{experiment} called with /api/experimental/yoyo returned from a tigertonic.Marshalled Handler is:

Is there any way to unmarshal the url so we get a clean form
or better yet, get the pattern and do operations on it:

No, I don't believe there's a way to get at that. If you find a way to make that available that's API-compatible I'd merge it.