rchain / rchain

Blockchain (smart contract) platform using CBC-Casper proof of stake + Rholang for concurrent execution.

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Refactor block validation logic

tgrospic opened this issue · comments


Currently, the logic for block validation is mixed together with the logging code. This means that validation in most cases needs Log dependency and F context which is not necessary for validation logic.

// TODO: refactor all validation functions to separate logging from actual validation logic
object Validate {
type PublicKey = Array[Byte]
type Data = Array[Byte]
type Signature = Array[Byte]
val DRIFT = 15000 // 15 seconds
implicit private val logSource: LogSource = LogSource(this.getClass)
val signatureVerifiers: Map[String, (Data, Signature, PublicKey) => Boolean] =
"secp256k1" -> Secp256k1.verify
def ignore(b: BlockMessage, reason: String): String =
s"Ignoring block ${PrettyPrinter.buildString(b.blockHash)} because $reason"
/* Validation of block with logging included */
def blockSignature[F[_]: Applicative: Log](b: BlockMessage): F[Boolean] =
.map(verify => {
Try(verify(b.blockHash.toByteArray, b.sig.toByteArray, b.sender.toByteArray)) match {
case Success(true) => true.pure
case _ => Log[F].warn(ignore(b, "signature is invalid.")).map(_ => false)
}) getOrElse {
for {
_ <- Log[F].warn(ignore(b, s"signature algorithm ${b.sigAlgorithm} is unsupported."))
} yield false
def formatOfFields[F[_]: Monad: Log](b: BlockMessage): F[Boolean] =
if (b.blockHash.isEmpty) {
for {
_ <- Log[F].warn(ignore(b, s"block hash is empty."))
} yield false
} else if (b.sig.isEmpty) {
for {
_ <- Log[F].warn(ignore(b, s"block signature is empty."))
} yield false
} else if (b.sigAlgorithm.isEmpty) {
for {
_ <- Log[F].warn(ignore(b, s"block signature algorithm is empty."))
} yield false
} else if (b.shardId.isEmpty) {
for {
_ <- Log[F].warn(ignore(b, s"block shard identifier is empty."))
} yield false
} else if (b.postStateHash.isEmpty) {
for {
_ <- Log[F].warn(ignore(b, s"block post state hash is empty."))
} yield false
} else {
def version[F[_]: Monad: Log](b: BlockMessage): F[Boolean] = {
val blockVersion = b.version
if (BlockVersion.Supported.contains(blockVersion)) {
} else {
val versionsStr = BlockVersion.Supported.mkString(" or ")
val msg = s"received block version $blockVersion is not the expected version $versionsStr."
Log[F].warn(ignore(b, msg)).as(false)
def blockSummary[F[_]: Sync: BlockDagStorage: BlockStore: Log: Metrics: Span](
block: BlockMessage,
shardId: String,
expirationThreshold: Int
): F[ValidBlockProcessing] =
(for {
// First validate justifications because they are basis for all other validation
_ <- EitherT.liftF(Span[F].mark("before-justification-regression-validation"))
_ <- EitherT(Validate.justificationRegressions(block))
// Validator sequence number validation
_ <- EitherT.liftF(Span[F].mark("before-sequence-number-validation"))
_ <- EitherT(Validate.sequenceNumber(block))
// Block number validation
_ <- EitherT.liftF(Span[F].mark("before-block-number-validation"))
_ <- EitherT(Validate.blockNumber(block))
// Deploys validation
_ <- EitherT.liftF(Span[F].mark("before-deploys-shard-identifier-validation"))
_ <- EitherT(Validate.deploysShardIdentifier(block, shardId))
_ <- EitherT.liftF(Span[F].mark("before-future-transaction-validation"))
_ <- EitherT(Validate.futureTransaction(block))
_ <- EitherT.liftF(Span[F].mark("before-transaction-expired-validation"))
_ <- EitherT(Validate.transactionExpiration(block, expirationThreshold))
_ <- EitherT.liftF(Span[F].mark("before-repeat-deploy-validation"))
s <- EitherT(Validate.repeatDeploy(block, expirationThreshold))
} yield s).value
* Validate no deploy with the same sig has been produced in the chain
def repeatDeploy[F[_]: Sync: Log: BlockStore: BlockDagStorage: Span](
block: BlockMessage,
expirationThreshold: Int
): F[ValidBlockProcessing] = {
val deployKeySet = block.state.deploys.map(_.deploy.sig).toSet
for {
_ <- Span[F].mark("before-repeat-deploy-get-parents")
blockMetadata = BlockMetadata.fromBlock(block)
initParents <- ProtoUtil.getParentsMetadata(blockMetadata)
maxBlockNumber = ProtoUtil.maxBlockNumberMetadata(initParents)
earliestBlockNumber = maxBlockNumber + 1 - expirationThreshold
_ <- Span[F].mark("before-repeat-deploy-duplicate-block")
maybeDuplicatedBlockMetadata <- DagOps
.bfTraverseF[F, BlockMetadata](initParents)(
b =>
.findF { blockMetadata =>
for {
block <- BlockStore[F].getUnsafe(blockMetadata.blockHash)
blockDeploys = block.state.deploys.map(_.deploy)
} yield blockDeploys.exists(
d => deployKeySet.contains(d.sig)
_ <- Span[F].mark("before-repeat-deploy-duplicate-block-log")
maybeError <- maybeDuplicatedBlockMetadata
duplicatedBlockMetadata => {
for {
duplicatedBlock <- BlockStore[F].getUnsafe(
currentBlockHashString = PrettyPrinter.buildString(block.blockHash)
blockHashString = PrettyPrinter.buildString(duplicatedBlock.blockHash)
duplicatedDeploy = duplicatedBlock.state.deploys
.find(d => deployKeySet.contains(d.sig))
term = duplicatedDeploy.data.term
deployerString = PrettyPrinter.buildString(
timestampString = duplicatedDeploy.data.timestamp.toString
message = s"found deploy [$term (user $deployerString, millisecond timestamp $timestampString)] with the same sig in the block $blockHashString as current block $currentBlockHashString"
_ <- Log[F].warn(ignore(block, message))
} yield BlockStatus.invalidRepeatDeploy
} yield maybeError.toLeft(BlockStatus.valid)
def blockNumber[F[_]: Sync: BlockDagStorage: Log](b: BlockMessage): F[ValidBlockProcessing] =
for {
parents <- b.justifications
maxBlockNumber = parents.map(_.blockNum).maximumOption.getOrElse(-1L)
number = b.blockNumber
result = maxBlockNumber + 1 == number
status <- if (result) {
} else {
val logMessage =
if (parents.isEmpty)
s"block number $number is not zero, but block has no parents."
s"block number $number is not one more than maximum parent number $maxBlockNumber."
for {
_ <- Log[F].warn(ignore(b, logMessage))
} yield BlockStatus.invalidBlockNumber.asLeft[ValidBlock]
} yield status
def futureTransaction[F[_]: Monad: Log](b: BlockMessage): F[ValidBlockProcessing] = {
val blockNumber = b.blockNumber
val deploys = b.state.deploys.map(_.deploy)
val maybeFutureDeploy = deploys.find(_.data.validAfterBlockNumber > blockNumber)
.traverse { futureDeploy =>
s"block contains an future deploy with valid after block number of ${futureDeploy.data.validAfterBlockNumber}: ${futureDeploy.data.term}"
.map(maybeError => maybeError.toLeft(BlockStatus.valid))
def transactionExpiration[F[_]: Monad: Log](
b: BlockMessage,
expirationThreshold: Int
): F[ValidBlockProcessing] = {
val earliestAcceptableValidAfterBlockNumber = b.blockNumber - expirationThreshold
val deploys = b.state.deploys.map(_.deploy)
val maybeExpiredDeploy =
deploys.find(_.data.validAfterBlockNumber <= earliestAcceptableValidAfterBlockNumber)
.traverse { expiredDeploy =>
s"block contains an expired deploy with valid after block number of ${expiredDeploy.data.validAfterBlockNumber}: ${expiredDeploy.data.term}"
.map(maybeError => maybeError.toLeft(BlockStatus.valid))
* Works with either efficient justifications or full explicit justifications.
* Specifically, with efficient justifications, if a block B doesn't update its
* creator justification, this check will fail as expected. The exception is when
* B's creator justification is the genesis block.
def sequenceNumber[F[_]: Sync: BlockDagStorage: Log](b: BlockMessage): F[ValidBlockProcessing] =
for {
justifications <- b.justifications.traverse(BlockDagStorage[F].lookupUnsafe(_))
creatorJustifications = justifications.filter(_.sender == b.sender)
creatorLatestSeqNumber = creatorJustifications.map(_.seqNum).maximumOption.getOrElse(-1L)
number = b.seqNum
result = creatorLatestSeqNumber + 1L == number
status <- if (result) {
} else {
for {
_ <- Log[F].warn(
s"seq number $number is not one more than creator justification number $creatorLatestSeqNumber."
} yield BlockStatus.invalidSequenceNumber.asLeft[ValidBlock]
} yield status
// Validator should only process deploys from its own shard with shard names in ASCII characters only
def deploysShardIdentifier[F[_]: Monad: Log](
b: BlockMessage,
shardId: String
): F[ValidBlockProcessing] = {
assert(shardId.onlyAscii, "Shard name should contain only ASCII characters")
if (b.state.deploys.forall(_.deploy.data.shardId == shardId)) {
} else {
for {
_ <- Log[F].warn(ignore(b, s"not for all deploys shard identifier is $shardId."))
} yield BlockStatus.invalidDeployShardId.asLeft[ValidBlock]
def blockHash[F[_]: Applicative: Log](b: BlockMessage): F[Boolean] = {
val blockHashComputed = ProtoUtil.hashBlock(b)
if (b.blockHash == blockHashComputed)
else {
val computedHashString = PrettyPrinter.buildString(blockHashComputed)
val hashString = PrettyPrinter.buildString(b.blockHash)
for {
_ <- Log[F].warn(
s"block hash $hashString does not match to computed value $computedHashString."
} yield false
* Justification regression check.
* Compares justifications that has been already used by sender and recorded in the DAG with
* justifications used by the same sender in new block `b` and assures that there is no
* regression.
def justificationRegressions[F[_]: Monad: BlockDagStorage](
b: BlockMessage
): F[ValidBlockProcessing] =
checkJustificationRegression(b).map { isValidOpt =>
if (isValidOpt.getOrElse(true)) BlockStatus.valid.asRight[BlockError]
else BlockStatus.justificationRegression.asLeft
def checkJustificationRegression[F[_]: Monad: BlockDagStorage](
b: BlockMessage
): F[Option[Boolean]] =
for {
msgMap <- BlockDagStorage[F].getRepresentation.map(_.dagMessageState.msgMap)
// justifications = b.justifications.map(msgMap)
} yield for {
// TODO: temporary don't expect that all justifications are available in msgMap to satisfy the failing tests
// - with multi-parent finalizer all messages should be available
justifications <- b.justifications.map(msgMap.get).sequence
prevMsg <- justifications.find(_.sender == b.sender)
res = justifications.forall { just =>
val justPrevMsgOpt = prevMsg.parents.map(msgMap).find(_.sender == just.sender)
justPrevMsgOpt.forall { justPrevMsg =>
// Check that previous sender's message did not seen nothing more then supplied message
val seenByJust = just.seen
val seenByJustPrev = justPrevMsg.seen
(seenByJustPrev -- seenByJust).isEmpty
} yield res
* If block contains an invalid justification block B and the creator of B is still bonded,
* return a RejectableBlock. Otherwise return an IncludeableBlock.
def neglectedInvalidBlock[F[_]: Monad: BlockDagStorage](
block: BlockMessage
): F[ValidBlockProcessing] =
for {
justifications <- block.justifications.flatTraverse(
invalidValidators = justifications.filter(_.invalid).map(b => b.sender)
neglectedInvalidJustification = invalidValidators.exists { invalidValidator =>
val slashedValidatorBond = block.bonds.get(invalidValidator)
slashedValidatorBond match {
case Some(stake) => stake > 0
case None => false
result = if (neglectedInvalidJustification) {
} else {
} yield result
def bondsCache[F[_]: Concurrent: RuntimeManager: Log](
b: BlockMessage
): F[ValidBlockProcessing] = {
val bonds = b.bonds
val tuplespaceHash = b.postStateHash
RuntimeManager[F].computeBonds(tuplespaceHash).flatMap { computedBonds =>
if (bonds.toSet == computedBonds.toSet) {
} else {
for {
_ <- Log[F].warn("Bonds in proof of stake contract do not match block's bond cache.")
} yield BlockStatus.invalidBondsCache.asLeft[ValidBlock]
* All of deploys must have greater or equal phloPrice then minPhloPrice
def phloPrice[F[_]: Log: Concurrent](
b: BlockMessage,
minPhloPrice: Long
): F[ValidBlockProcessing] =
if (b.state.deploys.forall(_.deploy.data.phloPrice >= minPhloPrice)) {
} else {


Split main validation logic code from diagnostics. Logging or other diagnostics code should be part of the code calling the main logic.
NOTE: To make the transition easier, the new validation code should be first duplicated without changing existing code.

The main logic code should not depend on effects like loading justifications from DB. If this is necessary like for deploy replay check, logic should be split in multiple functions to enable easier testing.

E.g. test for Validate.bondsCache should not depend on real RuntimeManager but on mock using Mockito.

Validation functions should be places in two groups (this can just be two sequence of functions in Validate file). One for basic checks where the whole logic of checking depends only on data for the checked block and another which needs DAG and/or config data to validate the block.

Existing Validate file should be renamed to BlockValidationLogic to be in line with the main code we have for merging like DagMergingLogic or RholangMergingLogic.

Tests ValidateTest should be updated accordingly and written as property tests.
The tests file names should have suffix Spec as on majority of tests.