rchain / rchain

Blockchain (smart contract) platform using CBC-Casper proof of stake + Rholang for concurrent execution.

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Tests for BlockReceiver

tgrospic opened this issue · comments


As part of work on multi-parent finalizer a BlockReceiver is introduced which simplifies the logic of preparation of blocks for validation by ensuring all justification are validated first (or requested).

Initial PR does not include tests for BlockReceiver which needs to be done in two pieces:

  • BlockReceiverState tests (similar example is LfsBlockRequesterStateSpec)
    final case class BlockReceiverState[MId](
    * Blocks received and stored in BlockStore with parent relations
    blocksSt: Map[MId, Set[MId]],
    * Blocks receiving status
    receiveSt: Map[MId, RecvStatus],
    * Blocks mapping with children relations
    childRelations: Map[MId, Set[MId]]
    ) {
    * Keep status of block as received process started
    * - thread safe sync like opening transaction for a block by block hash
    def beginReceived(id: MId): (BlockReceiverState[MId], Boolean) = {
    val expectedReceive = receiveSt.get(id).collect { case PendingRequest => true }.getOrElse(true)
    // If state is not known or pending it's request, continue with receiving
    if (expectedReceive) {
    // Update state to begin received status
    val newReceiveSt = receiveSt + ((id, BeginReceived))
    (copy(receiveSt = newReceiveSt), true)
    } else {
    (this, false)
    * End of block receiving status update
    * - like closing transaction, block received and stored
    * @return unseen parent dependencies
    def endReceived(id: MId, parents: List[(MId, Boolean)]): (BlockReceiverState[MId], Set[MId]) = {
    val curStateOpt = receiveSt.get(id)
    curStateOpt == BeginReceived.some,
    s"Received should be called only in begin received state, actual: $curStateOpt, hash: $id"
    .collect {
    case BeginReceived =>
    // Update blocks state, keep unseen parents only
    val parentsNotStored = parents.filter(_._2).map(_._1).toSet
    val unseenParents = parentsNotStored -- blocksSt.keySet -- receiveSt.keySet - id
    val newBlocksSt = blocksSt + ((id, unseenParents))
    // Update block status to received and set unseen parents to Pending receive state
    val newReceiveStored = receiveSt + ((id, ReceivedAndStored))
    val newPendingReceive = unseenParents.map((_, PendingRequest))
    val newReceiveSt = newReceiveStored ++ newPendingReceive
    // Update children relations of received block
    val parentsHashes = parents.map(_._1)
    val newChildRelations = parentsHashes.foldLeft(childRelations) {
    case (acc, parent) =>
    val childs = acc.getOrElse(parent, Set())
    acc + ((parent, childs + id))
    // New state
    val newState = copy(
    blocksSt = newBlocksSt,
    receiveSt = newReceiveSt,
    childRelations = newChildRelations
    (newState, unseenParents)
    .getOrElse((this, Set()))
    * Finished block validation, update state and return next blocks
    * @return next blocks with validated dependencies
    def finished(id: MId, parents: Set[MId]): (BlockReceiverState[MId], Set[MId]) = {
    val parentsInState = blocksSt.get(id)
    val isReceived = receiveSt.get(id).collect {
    case ReceivedAndStored =>
    case PendingValidation =>
    (parentsInState <* isReceived)
    .as {
    // Update blocks state
    // - remove finished block from child dependencies and remove finished block
    // - remove finished block from blocks state
    val childs = childRelations.get(id).toList.flatten
    val updatedBlocks = childs.map(b => (b, blocksSt(b) - id)).toMap
    val newBlocksSt = blocksSt ++ updatedBlocks - id
    // Get next blocks with all dependencies validated and not already in pending validation state
    val depsValidated = updatedBlocks.filter {
    case (bid, parents) =>
    def pending = receiveSt.get(bid).contains(PendingValidation)
    parents.isEmpty && !pending
    // Update received state
    // - set to pending validation state
    // - remove finished block from received state
    val depsValidatedPending = depsValidated.map((_, PendingValidation))
    val newReceiveSt = receiveSt ++ depsValidatedPending - id
    // Remove finished block from children relations
    val newChildRelations = parents.foldLeft(childRelations) {
    case (acc, parent) =>
    val childs = acc.getOrElse(parent, Set()) - id
    if (childs.isEmpty) acc - parent
    else acc + ((parent, childs))
    // New state
    val newState = copy(
    blocksSt = newBlocksSt,
    receiveSt = newReceiveSt,
    childRelations = newChildRelations
    (newState, depsValidated)
    .getOrElse((this, Set()))
  • BlockReceiver effects tests (similar example is LfsStateRequesterEffectsSpec)
    def apply[F[_]: Concurrent: BlockStore: BlockDagStorage: BlockRetriever: Log](
    state: Ref[F, BlockReceiverState[BlockHash]],
    incomingBlocksStream: Stream[F, BlockMessage],
    finishedProcessingStream: Stream[F, BlockMessage],
    casperShardConf: CasperShardConf
    ): F[Stream[F, BlockHash]] = {
    def blockStr(b: BlockMessage) = PrettyPrinter.buildString(b, short = true)
    def logNotOfInterest(b: BlockMessage) =
    Log[F].info(s"Block ${blockStr(b)} is not of interest. Dropped")
    def logMalformed(b: BlockMessage) =
    Log[F].info(s"Block ${blockStr(b)} is malformed. Dropped")
    // def logMissingDeps(b: BlockMessage) = Log[F].info(s"Block ${blockStr(b)} missing dependencies.")
    // CHeck if input string is equal to configuration shard ID
    def checkIfEqualToConfigShardId(shardId: String) = {
    val expectedShard = casperShardConf.shardName
    val isValid = expectedShard == shardId
    def logMsg = s"Ignored block with invalid shard, expected: $expectedShard, received: $shardId"
    // Check if block data is cryptographically safe
    def checkIntegrity(b: BlockMessage): F[Boolean] = Sync[F].defer {
    val validShard = checkIfEqualToConfigShardId(b.shardId)
    // TODO: 1. validation and logging in these checks should be separated
    // 2. logging of these block should indicate that information cannot be trusted
    // e.g. if block hash is invalid it cannot represent identity of a block
    val validFormat = Validate.formatOfFields(b)
    val validHash = Validate.blockHash(b)
    val validSig = Validate.blockSignature(b)
    // TODO: check sender to be valid bonded validator
    // - not always possible because now are new blocks downloaded from DAG tips
    // which in case of epoch change sender can be unknown
    validFormat &&^ validShard &&^ validHash &&^ validSig
    // Check if block should be stored
    def checkIfKnown(b: BlockMessage): F[Boolean] = {
    val isStored = BlockStore[F].contains(b.blockHash)
    val isTooOld = BlockDagStorage[F].getRepresentation.map { dag =>
    dag.heightMap.headOption.map(_._1).forall(ProtoUtil.blockNumber(b) < _)
    isStored ||^ isTooOld
    def requestMissingDependencies(deps: Set[BlockHash]): F[Unit] =
    BlockRetriever[F].admitHash(_, admitHashReason = BlockRetriever.MissingDependencyRequested)
    // Process incoming blocks
    def incomingBlocks(receiverOutputQueue: Queue[F, BlockHash]) =
    .evalFilterAsyncUnorderedProcBounded { block =>
    // Filter (ignore) blocks which doesn't pass integrity check
    .parEvalMapUnorderedProcBounded { block =>
    // Start block checking, mark status in the state
    val shouldCheck = state.modify(_.beginReceived(block.blockHash))
    // Save block to store and mark end of checking
    val markReceivedAndStore =
    for {
    _ <- BlockStore[F].put(block)
    parents <- block.justifications
    .traverse { hash =>
    BlockStore[F].contains(hash).not.map((hash, _))
    pendingRequests <- state.modify(_.endReceived(block.blockHash, parents))
    // Send request to missing dependencies
    _ <- requestMissingDependencies(pendingRequests)
    // Check if block have all dependencies in the DAG
    dag <- BlockDagStorage[F].getRepresentation
    hasAllDeps = pendingRequests.isEmpty &&
    _ <- receiverOutputQueue.enqueue1(block.blockHash).whenA(hasAllDeps)
    } yield ()
    for {
    isOfInterest <- shouldCheck &&^ checkIfKnown(block).not
    // Log if block is ignored
    _ <- logNotOfInterest(block).unlessA(isOfInterest)
    // Save to store if block is of interest and send request for missing dependencies
    _ <- markReceivedAndStore.whenA(isOfInterest)
    } yield ()
    // Process validated blocks
    def validatedBlocks(receiverOutputQueue: Queue[F, BlockHash]) =
    finishedProcessingStream.parEvalMapUnorderedProcBounded { block =>
    val parents = block.justifications.map(_.latestBlockHash).toSet
    for {
    // Update state with finalized block and get next for validation
    next <- state.modify(_.finished(block.blockHash, parents))
    // Notify BlockRetriever of finished validation of block
    _ <- BlockRetriever[F].ackInCasper(block.blockHash)
    // Send dependency free blocks to validation
    _ <- next.toList.traverse_(receiverOutputQueue.enqueue1)
    } yield ()
    Queue.unbounded[F, BlockHash].map { q =>
    q.dequeue concurrently incomingBlocks(q) concurrently validatedBlocks(q)