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How to improve performance of Rholang map

hilltracer opened this issue · comments


Investigation performed as part of the work to accelerate of primitive structures (List, Set, Map) #3607. In this work we investigate RhoMap:

final class SortedParMap private (ps: Map[Par, Par]) extends Iterable[(Par, Par)] {

The purpose is to determine the slowest procedures with Map and try to optimize these procedures.

Testing methodology (link to commit)

Timing parameters evaluated with help the next rho code:

new return, loop in {
  contract loop(@n, @acc, ret) = {
    if (n == 0) ret!(acc)
    else loop!(n - 1, acc.set(n, n), *ret)
  } |
  loop!($number, {}, *return)

Where $number - number of elements which appending in Map (100, 200, ..., 500).

Description of optimization steps

Step 0: Basic implementation (link to commit)

This is the current implementation of the map, which contains no changes.

Step 1: Change SortedParMap implementation (link to commit)

  • Add sorting for any new pars.
  • Remove re-sort and re-hash operations from basic map operation (append, concatination, remove, etc.).

Step 2: Optimize sorting, evaluate and substitute (link to commit)

  • Delete sort() pars operation in Map because data in Map is already sorted when Map is created.
  • Delete eval() operation if this map contains only simple data (if there aren't data for evaluate).
  • Delete substitute() operation if this map contains only simple data (if there aren't data for substitute).

Step 3: Remove serializing from produce (link to commit)

The next optimization step - it's removing the protobuf serialization of map data from produce. Serialization is required for calculating hash which is used for forming an event log.

Step 4: Remove charging (link to commit)

Charging is a slow operation because for calculating cost serialization is used:

valueSize <- value.asInstanceOf[StacksafeMessage[_]].serializedSizeM.get

Step 5: Remove sorting from Map (link to commit)

The final step of optimization is removing sorting from Map. The data itself continues to be sorted when added to the map. The sorting of the order of this data in the map is removed.

Steps 3, 4, and 5 brakes the current implementation but they can be implemented as part of a new version of Rholang 1.1.

Main results ($number vs. time of evaluate (ms))

$number Step 0 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5
100 2786 2808 1671 1178 821 788
200 9194 9086 3731 2544 1097 853
300 20002 18982 7241 3628 1503 879
400 35650 32019 12118 5647 1997 1002
500 53707 48972 18387 8828 3017 1197


Conclusion - ways to improve performance

Remove extra operation Eval(), Substitute() and Sort()

  • For this purpose need to add in each Par flag: needEval, needSubstitute, needSort.
  • If these flags are set, don't perform operations Eval(), Substitute() or Sort().
  • Fill these flags when Pars are created. For multielement pars - set flags if at least one element has a flag set. This speeds up an analysis of nested Pars.
  • When analyzing, take into account that if the data is loaded from RSpace, they are already sorted, substituted, and evaluated.
  • After substitution or evaluation multielement par clear flag for only changed elements.

Remove extra operation send() and receive()

  • Send() the slowest operation because it's required: sorting, serializing, hashing, appending in eventLog.
  • Use send() and receive() only for work with data in RSpace.
  • If required to perform the local operation (for example loop, or creating and using local value) don't use send() and receive()
  • There are two ways:
    1. Implement a new version of Rholang 1.1
    2. Add the ability to use third-party code in Rholang scripts.

Speedup charging

  • Develop a new speed algorithm for calculation cost without serialization.
  • For multielement pars calculate the cost of elements at the time of their creation and store this cost.

Optimization of sorting

Multi element par must be sorted before:
1) Storing in HotStore
2) Calculation of hash (for example for comparison with other pars)
3) Evaluation or substitution
Optimization for 1)
No way to optimize. Need to remove extra operations send().
Optimization for 2)
The possibility of optimization depends on the scala-types of data structures used. For example, if Map is used, then the hash calculation will be the same regardless of the order of the elements. If a List is used, then sorting is necessary. So sorting for RhoMap may be removed because it uses Map.
Optimization for 3)
Let's see two unsorted same rhoMaps:

map1 = {1:"data1", 2:"data2",  (1+1):"data3"}
map2 = {1:"data1", (1+1):"data3", 2:"data2"} 
Eval(map1) // {1:"data1", 2:"data3"}
Eval(map2) // {1:"data1", 2:"data2"}

This example shows us the importance of sorting before Evaluation.
But if we consider this issue in detail: sorting is needed only if we have conflicts after evaluation. Thus, this sort can be performed lazily only in the event of a conflict, and only for conflicting elements.

Third-party code (the second way)

  • Rholang is used for work with RSpace.
  • For work with data in RAM third-party code is used (scala, java, c++, etc.)
new return in {
        val r = (1 to $number).foldLeft(Map.empty) { (acc, i) =>
            acc + (i -> i)
        #SCALA_END(r) //returning value from third-party block
  • Need converter Rholang type to third-party type.
  • Need charging algorithm for calculation of third-party code.
  • Need to have both block directions: third-party in Rholang and Rholang in third-party.

Appendix: Comparison with summing

This experiment compares the execution time of the main testing code (see testing methodology) with the next code of summation:

new return, loop in {
  contract loop(@n, @acc, ret) = {
    if (n == 0) ret!(acc)
    else loop!(n - 1, acc + n, *ret)
  } |
  loop!($number, 0, *return)

Where $number - the number of elements which sum in the loop (100, 200, ..., 7000).


$number map construction (ms) sum (ms)
100 976 1128
200 840 977
300 869 1060
400 964 1040
500 1220 1490
600 1050 1230
700 1306 1479
800 1541 1429
900 1810 1569
1000 1958 1762
1100 1941 2072
1200 2271 2026
1300 2286 2042
1400 2655 2144
1500 2650 2218
1600 3095 2399
1700 3158 2710
1800 3464 2699
1900 3841 2838
2000 3983 3698
2100 4358 3502
2200 4536 3356
2300 4916 3820
2400 5186 3704
2500 5332 3859
2600 5980 4417
2700 6590 4290
2800 7526 4105
2900 6859 4339
3000 7629 4423
3100 8043 5099
3200 8177 4999
3300 9220 5167
3400 9688 5149
3500 9303 5824
3600 10606 5679
3700 10634 5977
3800 10687 6133
3900 10381 6192
4000 10950 7027
4100 11487 6936
4200 14072 7109
4300 13326 7251
4400 14241 6772
4500 16116 6745
4600 14159 8152
4700 14350 7173
4800 14862 7297
4900 15039 7003
5000 15552 8287
5100 15450 7498
5200 16289 7866
5300 16674 8710
5400 17213 8239
5500 17995 8955
5600 19605 9384
5700 20052 9393
5800 21167 10485
5900 21728 10791
6000 22343 9385
6100 22819 8753
6200 22815 9830
6300 23904 9884
6400 23233 10463
6500 25853 10151
6600 24536 10782
6700 26438 9988
6800 28750 10457
6900 28572 11221
7000 29008 10640