rccchoudhury / tempo

Implementation for TEMPO: Efficient Multi-View Pose Estimation, Tracking, and Forecasting (ICCV '23)

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

I cannot find this checkpoint file : resnet_50_deconv.pth.tar

song064 opened this issue · comments

Hello author, this link about "resnet_50_deconv.pth.tar" seems to be broken, I don't know where to download it. The article is very well written, thank you!

My download also failed at 433 MiB and immediately on a restart, so I'm thinking Google Drive is rate limiting my attempt. I will try again later this week. Maybe public checkpoint CDNs would work better, like Hugging Face?

Thank you for your answer, please let me know if you try again successfully. I'm going to give public checkpoint CDNs a try, thanks!

To clarify, I don't know if this checkpoint is uploaded to any CDNs, it was a suggestion for the author it if they have time :)

澄清一下,我不知道这个检查点是否上传到任何 CDN,如果他们有时间:),这是对作者的建议

Oh, I misunderstood, I hope the author can update in time, too.

@rccchoudhury would be great if you could check thank you !

@rccchoudhury could you provide the resnet_50_deconv.pth.tar model please?