rcasto / readability-component

A web component that calculates the readability and average reading time of text it encapsulates

Home Page:https://rcasto.github.io/readability-component/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Allow consumers to define there own way to display readability info

rcasto opened this issue · comments

Instead of requiring the internal presentation of readability for encompassing content, allow the consumer to define their own way to present this information.

Consumers could pass in a callback to register for something like a onReadabilityChange event. This payload or data passed along with this event would contain the current/present readability information of the contained content.

To make this a non-breaking transition, would always present the default readability view. If a callback handler it passed, then this rendering would be made inactive, and it would be the responsibility of the consumer to update/render this information. A separate flag controller the rendering of default or not could be done, in case consumers just wanted to listen for the change