rcarriga / vim-ultest

The ultimate testing plugin for (Neo)Vim

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Configure mappings for the attach window

DanCardin opened this issue · comments

So far, loving the plugin! I haven't managed to make any other test plugin stick yet (including nvim-dap-ui) for various reasons, but this one seems the most ergonomic that I've tried.

Describe the bug
Is it either possible today, or possible to add customizations to the mappings used by the floating window on :UltestAttach?
Currently <c-c> in that window closes the window. Personally in these sorts of windows, i ctrl-c all the time, so this makes working with the window rather more difficult.

Expected behavior
I'd love to be able to run ctrl-d, like on a terminal, and/or a way to exit insert mode after you've entered it and just directly :q

Thanks for the great feedback! 😄

The attach window is just a regular terminal window so you can use tnoremap or if you want filetype specific the filetype is UltestAttach which can be used with FileType autocommands. That should suffice for any custom mappings