rcarriga / vim-ultest

The ultimate testing plugin for (Neo)Vim

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Can't scroll test results in pop-up

pypeaday opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
Info: Neovim 0.6, python 3.8, pytest

This may not be a true bug and instead if vim-noobish-ness on my part (only been in nvim for about 8 months) but when I run tests I can see the pytest output if I put my cursor on a test but I cannot scroll the output like I see in the sample gifs.

To Reproduce
Not sure how to reproduce if this isn't an issue for you already

Expected behavior
I think I'd expect to be focused in on the pop up (is it a vim terminal buffer?) and then when I'm done I'd :q or something to get back to my code.

You can jump to the output window with the <Plug>(ultest-output-jump) mapping and once in the window you are correct it is a terminal buffer which you move around in like any other

Awesome thank you! I didn't know what that notation meant - some googling got me there! Thanks again for the quick reply!

Or :call ultest#output#jumpto()