rcarriga / vim-ultest

The ultimate testing plugin for (Neo)Vim

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Ultest not passing anything as parameters for rust

augustocdias opened this issue · comments

I've just ran :Ultest and it marked as running. In the end all were green but i noticed in the float window that it actually didn't test anything:


When I run :TestFile it runs normally the file.

Please paste the log as described in the issue template. Inside the log you'll also find the commands run for the tests, you may spot the issue there as I've no experience with rust

The logs are basically this for each test in the file:

09:36:23 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_register_result:299 | Registering test_patch_blueprint_forbidden-5797354233085674124 as exited with result {"id": "test_patch_blueprint_forbidden-5797354233085674124", "file": "/Users/augusto/projects/workflow-manager/src/tests/blueprint.rs", "code": 0, "output": "/var/folders/p3/z4h10jyj67s5wwty5lp8gn6w0000gn/T/ultestpxou4i89/__Users__augusto__projects__workflow-manager__src__tests__blueprint_rs/test_patch_blueprint_forbidden-5797354233085674124_out"}
09:36:23 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_handle_coroutine:80 | Finished job with group test_patch_blueprint_forbidden-5797354233085674124
09:36:23 | DEBUG | Thread-22 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
09:36:35 | DEBUG | Thread-20 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
09:36:35 | DEBUG | Thread-20 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
09:36:35 | DEBUG | Thread-20 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
09:36:36 | DEBUG | Thread-22 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
09:36:36 | DEBUG | Thread-20 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
09:36:36 | DEBUG | Thread-20 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
09:36:36 | DEBUG | MainThread | processes.py:run:76 | Process test_get_blueprint-5797354233085674124 complete with exit code: 0

I don't know if its relevant but every time I open my project I'm seeing this in the messages:

no notification handler registered for "/Users/augusto/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/vim-ultest/rplugin/python3/ultest:function:_ultest_update_positions"

This happens without executing anything

I don't know if its relevant but every time I open my project I'm seeing this in the messages:

Yep that's a problem though it's odd that you can do anything after. You have to run :UpdateRemotePlugins after installing and updating vim-ultest. Does is still happen after that?

The logs you pasted don't tell me anything useful. I understand there might be sensitive info in them so can you either make a dummy project to run and provide them from that or check them yourself for the command being run, you should see lines beginning with

Starting test process ...

along with the command being run, cwd and extra env variables

Yep that's a problem though it's odd that you can do anything after. You have to run :UpdateRemotePlugins after installing and updating vim-ultest. Does is still happen after that?

Yes. I've installed like this:

use({ 'rcarriga/vim-ultest', requires = { 'vim-test/vim-test' }, run = ':UpdateRemotePlugins' }) 

Also tried running manually. The error still shows in the messages.

Starting test process ...

I don't see any of this in the logs.

Also tried running manually. The error still shows in the messages.

Very strange, not really sure what the issue is there, could be a race condition related to neovim/pynvim#341

I don't see any of this in the logs.

You have to run the tests to see the logs

You have to run the tests to see the logs

If you mean calling Ultest then yes. I ran them and as I said I only see what I pasted before (also tried with a sample project). If not, what should I do?

Can you paste the entire log file for the sample project?

13:41:57 | INFO | MainThread | logging.py:create_logger:101 | Logger created
13:41:57 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:__init__:44 | Handler created
13:41:57 | INFO | MainThread | tracker.py:_init_test_file:97 | Initialising test file /Users/augusto/projects/actix_test/src/main.rs
13:41:57 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_handle_coroutine:60 | Starting job with group update_positions
13:41:57 | INFO | MainThread | tracker.py:_async_update:57 | Updating positions in /Users/augusto/projects/actix_test/src/main.rs
13:41:57 | DEBUG | MainThread | file.py:parse_file_structure:25 | Converted pattern {'test': ['\\v\\s*%(async )?fn\\s+(\\w+)'], 'namespace': []} to {'test': [re.compile('\\s*(?:async )?fn\\s+(\\w+)')], 'namespace': []}
13:41:57 | DEBUG | MainThread | tracker.py:_async_update:84 | New test /Users/augusto/projects/actix_test/src/main.rs found in /Users/augusto/projects/actix_test/src/main.rs
13:41:57 | DEBUG | MainThread | tracker.py:_async_update:84 | New test index-5669078533932717095 found in /Users/augusto/projects/actix_test/src/main.rs
13:41:57 | DEBUG | MainThread | tracker.py:_async_update:84 | New test test_i32-5669078533932717095 found in /Users/augusto/projects/actix_test/src/main.rs
13:41:57 | DEBUG | MainThread | tracker.py:_async_update:84 | New test main-5669078533932717095 found in /Users/augusto/projects/actix_test/src/main.rs
13:41:57 | DEBUG | MainThread | tracker.py:_async_update:84 | New test test_index_get12-5669078533932717095 found in /Users/augusto/projects/actix_test/src/main.rs
13:41:57 | DEBUG | MainThread | tracker.py:_async_update:84 | New test test_index_get11-5669078533932717095 found in /Users/augusto/projects/actix_test/src/main.rs
13:41:57 | DEBUG | MainThread | tracker.py:_async_update:84 | New test test_index_get10-5669078533932717095 found in /Users/augusto/projects/actix_test/src/main.rs
13:41:57 | DEBUG | MainThread | tracker.py:_async_update:84 | New test test_index_get0-5669078533932717095 found in /Users/augusto/projects/actix_test/src/main.rs
13:41:57 | DEBUG | MainThread | tracker.py:_async_update:84 | New test test_index_get8-5669078533932717095 found in /Users/augusto/projects/actix_test/src/main.rs
13:41:57 | DEBUG | MainThread | tracker.py:_async_update:84 | New test test_index_get9-5669078533932717095 found in /Users/augusto/projects/actix_test/src/main.rs
13:41:57 | DEBUG | MainThread | tracker.py:_async_update:84 | New test test_index_get7-5669078533932717095 found in /Users/augusto/projects/actix_test/src/main.rs
13:41:57 | DEBUG | MainThread | tracker.py:_async_update:84 | New test test_index_get6-5669078533932717095 found in /Users/augusto/projects/actix_test/src/main.rs
13:41:57 | DEBUG | MainThread | tracker.py:_async_update:84 | New test test_index_get5-5669078533932717095 found in /Users/augusto/projects/actix_test/src/main.rs
13:41:57 | DEBUG | MainThread | tracker.py:_async_update:84 | New test test_index_get4-5669078533932717095 found in /Users/augusto/projects/actix_test/src/main.rs
13:41:57 | DEBUG | MainThread | tracker.py:_async_update:84 | New test test_index_get3-5669078533932717095 found in /Users/augusto/projects/actix_test/src/main.rs
13:41:57 | DEBUG | MainThread | tracker.py:_async_update:84 | New test test_index_get2-5669078533932717095 found in /Users/augusto/projects/actix_test/src/main.rs
13:41:57 | DEBUG | MainThread | tracker.py:_async_update:84 | New test test_index_get1-5669078533932717095 found in /Users/augusto/projects/actix_test/src/main.rs
13:41:57 | DEBUG | MainThread | tracker.py:_async_update:84 | New test test_index_get-5669078533932717095 found in /Users/augusto/projects/actix_test/src/main.rs
13:41:57 | DEBUG | MainThread | tracker.py:_async_update:84 | New test test_index_post-5669078533932717095 found in /Users/augusto/projects/actix_test/src/main.rs
13:41:57 | DEBUG | MainThread | tracker.py:_remove_old_positions:129 | No tests removed
13:41:57 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_handle_coroutine:80 | Finished job with group update_positions
13:42:21 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_handle_coroutine:60 | Starting job with group update_positions
13:42:21 | INFO | MainThread | tracker.py:_async_update:57 | Updating positions in /Users/augusto/projects/actix_test/src/main.rs
13:42:21 | DEBUG | MainThread | file.py:parse_file_structure:25 | Converted pattern {'test': ['\\v\\s*%(async )?fn\\s+(\\w+)'], 'namespace': []} to {'test': [re.compile('\\s*(?:async )?fn\\s+(\\w+)')], 'namespace': []}
13:42:21 | DEBUG | MainThread | tracker.py:_remove_old_positions:129 | No tests removed
13:42:21 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_handle_coroutine:80 | Finished job with group update_positions
13:42:26 | INFO | MainThread | __init__.py:run_nearest:128 | Running nearest test in src/main.rs at line 0
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_register_started:288 | Registering index-5669078533932717095 as started
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_register_started:288 | Registering test_i32-5669078533932717095 as started
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_handle_coroutine:60 | Starting job with group index-5669078533932717095
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | processes.py:run:50 | Starting test process index-5669078533932717095 with command ['cargo', 'test', '', '--', '--exact'], cwd = /Users/augusto/projects/actix_test, env = None
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_register_started:288 | Registering main-5669078533932717095 as started
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_handle_coroutine:60 | Starting job with group test_i32-5669078533932717095
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | processes.py:run:50 | Starting test process test_i32-5669078533932717095 with command ['cargo', 'test', '', '--', '--exact'], cwd = /Users/augusto/projects/actix_test, env = None
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_register_started:288 | Registering test_index_get12-5669078533932717095 as started
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_handle_coroutine:60 | Starting job with group main-5669078533932717095
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | processes.py:run:50 | Starting test process main-5669078533932717095 with command ['cargo', 'test', '', '--', '--exact'], cwd = /Users/augusto/projects/actix_test, env = None
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_register_started:288 | Registering test_index_get11-5669078533932717095 as started
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_handle_coroutine:60 | Starting job with group test_index_get12-5669078533932717095
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | processes.py:run:50 | Starting test process test_index_get12-5669078533932717095 with command ['cargo', 'test', '', '--', '--exact'], cwd = /Users/augusto/projects/actix_test, env = None
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_register_started:288 | Registering test_index_get10-5669078533932717095 as started
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_handle_coroutine:60 | Starting job with group test_index_get11-5669078533932717095
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | processes.py:run:50 | Starting test process test_index_get11-5669078533932717095 with command ['cargo', 'test', '', '--', '--exact'], cwd = /Users/augusto/projects/actix_test, env = None
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_register_started:288 | Registering test_index_get0-5669078533932717095 as started
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_handle_coroutine:60 | Starting job with group test_index_get10-5669078533932717095
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | processes.py:run:50 | Starting test process test_index_get10-5669078533932717095 with command ['cargo', 'test', '', '--', '--exact'], cwd = /Users/augusto/projects/actix_test, env = None
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_register_started:288 | Registering test_index_get8-5669078533932717095 as started
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_handle_coroutine:60 | Starting job with group test_index_get0-5669078533932717095
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | processes.py:run:50 | Starting test process test_index_get0-5669078533932717095 with command ['cargo', 'test', '', '--', '--exact'], cwd = /Users/augusto/projects/actix_test, env = None
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_register_started:288 | Registering test_index_get9-5669078533932717095 as started
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_handle_coroutine:60 | Starting job with group test_index_get8-5669078533932717095
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | processes.py:run:50 | Starting test process test_index_get8-5669078533932717095 with command ['cargo', 'test', '', '--', '--exact'], cwd = /Users/augusto/projects/actix_test, env = None
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_register_started:288 | Registering test_index_get7-5669078533932717095 as started
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_handle_coroutine:60 | Starting job with group test_index_get9-5669078533932717095
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | processes.py:run:50 | Starting test process test_index_get9-5669078533932717095 with command ['cargo', 'test', '', '--', '--exact'], cwd = /Users/augusto/projects/actix_test, env = None
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_register_started:288 | Registering test_index_get6-5669078533932717095 as started
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_handle_coroutine:60 | Starting job with group test_index_get7-5669078533932717095
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | processes.py:run:50 | Starting test process test_index_get7-5669078533932717095 with command ['cargo', 'test', '', '--', '--exact'], cwd = /Users/augusto/projects/actix_test, env = None
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_register_started:288 | Registering test_index_get5-5669078533932717095 as started
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_handle_coroutine:60 | Starting job with group test_index_get6-5669078533932717095
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | processes.py:run:50 | Starting test process test_index_get6-5669078533932717095 with command ['cargo', 'test', '', '--', '--exact'], cwd = /Users/augusto/projects/actix_test, env = None
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_register_started:288 | Registering test_index_get4-5669078533932717095 as started
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_handle_coroutine:60 | Starting job with group test_index_get5-5669078533932717095
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | processes.py:run:50 | Starting test process test_index_get5-5669078533932717095 with command ['cargo', 'test', '', '--', '--exact'], cwd = /Users/augusto/projects/actix_test, env = None
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_register_started:288 | Registering test_index_get3-5669078533932717095 as started
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_handle_coroutine:60 | Starting job with group test_index_get4-5669078533932717095
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | processes.py:run:50 | Starting test process test_index_get4-5669078533932717095 with command ['cargo', 'test', '', '--', '--exact'], cwd = /Users/augusto/projects/actix_test, env = None
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_register_started:288 | Registering test_index_get2-5669078533932717095 as started
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_handle_coroutine:60 | Starting job with group test_index_get3-5669078533932717095
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | processes.py:run:50 | Starting test process test_index_get3-5669078533932717095 with command ['cargo', 'test', '', '--', '--exact'], cwd = /Users/augusto/projects/actix_test, env = None
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_register_started:288 | Registering test_index_get1-5669078533932717095 as started
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_handle_coroutine:60 | Starting job with group test_index_get2-5669078533932717095
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | processes.py:run:50 | Starting test process test_index_get2-5669078533932717095 with command ['cargo', 'test', '', '--', '--exact'], cwd = /Users/augusto/projects/actix_test, env = None
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_register_started:288 | Registering test_index_get-5669078533932717095 as started
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_handle_coroutine:60 | Starting job with group test_index_get1-5669078533932717095
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | processes.py:run:50 | Starting test process test_index_get1-5669078533932717095 with command ['cargo', 'test', '', '--', '--exact'], cwd = /Users/augusto/projects/actix_test, env = None
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_register_started:288 | Registering test_index_post-5669078533932717095 as started
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_handle_coroutine:60 | Starting job with group test_index_get-5669078533932717095
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | processes.py:run:50 | Starting test process test_index_get-5669078533932717095 with command ['cargo', 'test', '', '--', '--exact'], cwd = /Users/augusto/projects/actix_test, env = None
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_handle_coroutine:60 | Starting job with group test_index_post-5669078533932717095
13:42:26 | DEBUG | MainThread | processes.py:run:50 | Starting test process test_index_post-5669078533932717095 with command ['cargo', 'test', '', '--', '--exact'], cwd = /Users/augusto/projects/actix_test, env = None
13:42:26 | DEBUG | Thread-4 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:26 | DEBUG | Thread-2 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:26 | DEBUG | Thread-4 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:26 | DEBUG | Thread-2 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:26 | DEBUG | Thread-4 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:26 | DEBUG | Thread-2 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:27 | DEBUG | Thread-2 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:27 | DEBUG | Thread-4 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:28 | DEBUG | Thread-4 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:28 | DEBUG | Thread-4 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:32 | DEBUG | Thread-4 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:32 | DEBUG | Thread-4 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:32 | DEBUG | Thread-4 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:32 | DEBUG | Thread-2 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:32 | DEBUG | Thread-2 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:32 | DEBUG | Thread-2 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:32 | DEBUG | Thread-4 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:32 | DEBUG | Thread-2 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:32 | DEBUG | MainThread | processes.py:run:76 | Process test_i32-5669078533932717095 complete with exit code: 0
13:42:32 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_register_result:299 | Registering test_i32-5669078533932717095 as exited with result {"id": "test_i32-5669078533932717095", "file": "/Users/augusto/projects/actix_test/src/main.rs", "code": 0, "output": "/var/folders/p3/z4h10jyj67s5wwty5lp8gn6w0000gn/T/ultest020djlle/__Users__augusto__projects__actix_test__src__main_rs/test_i32-5669078533932717095_out"}
13:42:32 | DEBUG | MainThread | processes.py:run:76 | Process index-5669078533932717095 complete with exit code: 0
13:42:32 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_register_result:299 | Registering index-5669078533932717095 as exited with result {"id": "index-5669078533932717095", "file": "/Users/augusto/projects/actix_test/src/main.rs", "code": 0, "output": "/var/folders/p3/z4h10jyj67s5wwty5lp8gn6w0000gn/T/ultest020djlle/__Users__augusto__projects__actix_test__src__main_rs/index-5669078533932717095_out"}
13:42:32 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_handle_coroutine:80 | Finished job with group test_i32-5669078533932717095
13:42:32 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_handle_coroutine:80 | Finished job with group index-5669078533932717095
13:42:33 | DEBUG | Thread-8 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:33 | DEBUG | Thread-6 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:33 | DEBUG | Thread-8 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:33 | DEBUG | Thread-6 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:33 | DEBUG | Thread-8 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:33 | DEBUG | Thread-6 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:33 | DEBUG | Thread-8 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:33 | DEBUG | Thread-6 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:33 | DEBUG | Thread-6 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:33 | DEBUG | Thread-6 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:33 | DEBUG | Thread-6 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:33 | DEBUG | Thread-8 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:33 | DEBUG | Thread-8 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:33 | DEBUG | MainThread | processes.py:run:76 | Process main-5669078533932717095 complete with exit code: 0
13:42:33 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_register_result:299 | Registering main-5669078533932717095 as exited with result {"id": "main-5669078533932717095", "file": "/Users/augusto/projects/actix_test/src/main.rs", "code": 0, "output": "/var/folders/p3/z4h10jyj67s5wwty5lp8gn6w0000gn/T/ultest020djlle/__Users__augusto__projects__actix_test__src__main_rs/main-5669078533932717095_out"}
13:42:33 | DEBUG | Thread-8 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:33 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_handle_coroutine:80 | Finished job with group main-5669078533932717095
13:42:33 | DEBUG | Thread-8 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:33 | DEBUG | MainThread | processes.py:run:76 | Process test_index_get12-5669078533932717095 complete with exit code: 0
13:42:33 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_register_result:299 | Registering test_index_get12-5669078533932717095 as exited with result {"id": "test_index_get12-5669078533932717095", "file": "/Users/augusto/projects/actix_test/src/main.rs", "code": 0, "output": "/var/folders/p3/z4h10jyj67s5wwty5lp8gn6w0000gn/T/ultest020djlle/__Users__augusto__projects__actix_test__src__main_rs/test_index_get12-5669078533932717095_out"}
13:42:33 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_handle_coroutine:80 | Finished job with group test_index_get12-5669078533932717095
13:42:33 | DEBUG | Thread-12 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:33 | DEBUG | Thread-10 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:33 | DEBUG | Thread-12 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:33 | DEBUG | Thread-10 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:33 | DEBUG | Thread-10 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:33 | DEBUG | Thread-10 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:33 | DEBUG | Thread-10 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:33 | DEBUG | Thread-10 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:33 | DEBUG | MainThread | processes.py:run:76 | Process test_index_get11-5669078533932717095 complete with exit code: 0
13:42:33 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_register_result:299 | Registering test_index_get11-5669078533932717095 as exited with result {"id": "test_index_get11-5669078533932717095", "file": "/Users/augusto/projects/actix_test/src/main.rs", "code": 0, "output": "/var/folders/p3/z4h10jyj67s5wwty5lp8gn6w0000gn/T/ultest020djlle/__Users__augusto__projects__actix_test__src__main_rs/test_index_get11-5669078533932717095_out"}
13:42:33 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_handle_coroutine:80 | Finished job with group test_index_get11-5669078533932717095
13:42:33 | DEBUG | Thread-12 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:33 | DEBUG | Thread-12 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:33 | DEBUG | Thread-12 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:33 | DEBUG | Thread-12 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:33 | DEBUG | MainThread | processes.py:run:76 | Process test_index_get10-5669078533932717095 complete with exit code: 0
13:42:33 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_register_result:299 | Registering test_index_get10-5669078533932717095 as exited with result {"id": "test_index_get10-5669078533932717095", "file": "/Users/augusto/projects/actix_test/src/main.rs", "code": 0, "output": "/var/folders/p3/z4h10jyj67s5wwty5lp8gn6w0000gn/T/ultest020djlle/__Users__augusto__projects__actix_test__src__main_rs/test_index_get10-5669078533932717095_out"}
13:42:33 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_handle_coroutine:80 | Finished job with group test_index_get10-5669078533932717095
13:42:33 | DEBUG | Thread-16 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:33 | DEBUG | Thread-14 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:33 | DEBUG | Thread-14 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:33 | DEBUG | Thread-14 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:33 | DEBUG | Thread-14 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:34 | DEBUG | Thread-14 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:34 | DEBUG | MainThread | processes.py:run:76 | Process test_index_get0-5669078533932717095 complete with exit code: 0
13:42:34 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_register_result:299 | Registering test_index_get0-5669078533932717095 as exited with result {"id": "test_index_get0-5669078533932717095", "file": "/Users/augusto/projects/actix_test/src/main.rs", "code": 0, "output": "/var/folders/p3/z4h10jyj67s5wwty5lp8gn6w0000gn/T/ultest020djlle/__Users__augusto__projects__actix_test__src__main_rs/test_index_get0-5669078533932717095_out"}
13:42:34 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_handle_coroutine:80 | Finished job with group test_index_get0-5669078533932717095
13:42:34 | DEBUG | Thread-16 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:34 | DEBUG | Thread-16 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:34 | DEBUG | Thread-16 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:34 | DEBUG | Thread-16 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:34 | DEBUG | MainThread | processes.py:run:76 | Process test_index_get8-5669078533932717095 complete with exit code: 0
13:42:34 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_register_result:299 | Registering test_index_get8-5669078533932717095 as exited with result {"id": "test_index_get8-5669078533932717095", "file": "/Users/augusto/projects/actix_test/src/main.rs", "code": 0, "output": "/var/folders/p3/z4h10jyj67s5wwty5lp8gn6w0000gn/T/ultest020djlle/__Users__augusto__projects__actix_test__src__main_rs/test_index_get8-5669078533932717095_out"}
13:42:34 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_handle_coroutine:80 | Finished job with group test_index_get8-5669078533932717095
13:42:34 | DEBUG | Thread-20 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:34 | DEBUG | Thread-18 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:34 | DEBUG | Thread-18 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:34 | DEBUG | Thread-18 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:34 | DEBUG | Thread-18 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:34 | DEBUG | Thread-18 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:34 | DEBUG | MainThread | processes.py:run:76 | Process test_index_get9-5669078533932717095 complete with exit code: 0
13:42:34 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_register_result:299 | Registering test_index_get9-5669078533932717095 as exited with result {"id": "test_index_get9-5669078533932717095", "file": "/Users/augusto/projects/actix_test/src/main.rs", "code": 0, "output": "/var/folders/p3/z4h10jyj67s5wwty5lp8gn6w0000gn/T/ultest020djlle/__Users__augusto__projects__actix_test__src__main_rs/test_index_get9-5669078533932717095_out"}
13:42:34 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_handle_coroutine:80 | Finished job with group test_index_get9-5669078533932717095
13:42:34 | DEBUG | Thread-20 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:34 | DEBUG | Thread-20 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:34 | DEBUG | Thread-20 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:34 | DEBUG | Thread-20 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:34 | DEBUG | MainThread | processes.py:run:76 | Process test_index_get7-5669078533932717095 complete with exit code: 0
13:42:34 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_register_result:299 | Registering test_index_get7-5669078533932717095 as exited with result {"id": "test_index_get7-5669078533932717095", "file": "/Users/augusto/projects/actix_test/src/main.rs", "code": 0, "output": "/var/folders/p3/z4h10jyj67s5wwty5lp8gn6w0000gn/T/ultest020djlle/__Users__augusto__projects__actix_test__src__main_rs/test_index_get7-5669078533932717095_out"}
13:42:34 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_handle_coroutine:80 | Finished job with group test_index_get7-5669078533932717095
13:42:34 | DEBUG | Thread-24 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:34 | DEBUG | Thread-22 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:34 | DEBUG | Thread-22 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:34 | DEBUG | Thread-22 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:34 | DEBUG | Thread-22 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:34 | DEBUG | Thread-22 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:34 | DEBUG | Thread-22 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:34 | DEBUG | MainThread | processes.py:run:76 | Process test_index_get6-5669078533932717095 complete with exit code: 0
13:42:34 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_register_result:299 | Registering test_index_get6-5669078533932717095 as exited with result {"id": "test_index_get6-5669078533932717095", "file": "/Users/augusto/projects/actix_test/src/main.rs", "code": 0, "output": "/var/folders/p3/z4h10jyj67s5wwty5lp8gn6w0000gn/T/ultest020djlle/__Users__augusto__projects__actix_test__src__main_rs/test_index_get6-5669078533932717095_out"}
13:42:34 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_handle_coroutine:80 | Finished job with group test_index_get6-5669078533932717095
13:42:34 | DEBUG | Thread-24 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:34 | DEBUG | Thread-24 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:34 | DEBUG | Thread-24 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:34 | DEBUG | Thread-24 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:34 | DEBUG | MainThread | processes.py:run:76 | Process test_index_get5-5669078533932717095 complete with exit code: 0
13:42:34 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_register_result:299 | Registering test_index_get5-5669078533932717095 as exited with result {"id": "test_index_get5-5669078533932717095", "file": "/Users/augusto/projects/actix_test/src/main.rs", "code": 0, "output": "/var/folders/p3/z4h10jyj67s5wwty5lp8gn6w0000gn/T/ultest020djlle/__Users__augusto__projects__actix_test__src__main_rs/test_index_get5-5669078533932717095_out"}
13:42:34 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_handle_coroutine:80 | Finished job with group test_index_get5-5669078533932717095
13:42:34 | DEBUG | Thread-28 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:34 | DEBUG | Thread-26 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:34 | DEBUG | Thread-26 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:34 | DEBUG | Thread-26 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:34 | DEBUG | Thread-26 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:34 | DEBUG | Thread-26 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:34 | DEBUG | MainThread | processes.py:run:76 | Process test_index_get4-5669078533932717095 complete with exit code: 0
13:42:34 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_register_result:299 | Registering test_index_get4-5669078533932717095 as exited with result {"id": "test_index_get4-5669078533932717095", "file": "/Users/augusto/projects/actix_test/src/main.rs", "code": 0, "output": "/var/folders/p3/z4h10jyj67s5wwty5lp8gn6w0000gn/T/ultest020djlle/__Users__augusto__projects__actix_test__src__main_rs/test_index_get4-5669078533932717095_out"}
13:42:34 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_handle_coroutine:80 | Finished job with group test_index_get4-5669078533932717095
13:42:34 | DEBUG | Thread-28 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:34 | DEBUG | Thread-28 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:34 | DEBUG | Thread-28 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:34 | DEBUG | Thread-28 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:34 | DEBUG | MainThread | processes.py:run:76 | Process test_index_get3-5669078533932717095 complete with exit code: 0
13:42:34 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_register_result:299 | Registering test_index_get3-5669078533932717095 as exited with result {"id": "test_index_get3-5669078533932717095", "file": "/Users/augusto/projects/actix_test/src/main.rs", "code": 0, "output": "/var/folders/p3/z4h10jyj67s5wwty5lp8gn6w0000gn/T/ultest020djlle/__Users__augusto__projects__actix_test__src__main_rs/test_index_get3-5669078533932717095_out"}
13:42:34 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_handle_coroutine:80 | Finished job with group test_index_get3-5669078533932717095
13:42:35 | DEBUG | Thread-32 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:35 | DEBUG | Thread-30 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:35 | DEBUG | Thread-30 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:35 | DEBUG | Thread-30 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:35 | DEBUG | Thread-30 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:35 | DEBUG | Thread-30 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:35 | DEBUG | MainThread | processes.py:run:76 | Process test_index_get2-5669078533932717095 complete with exit code: 0
13:42:35 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_register_result:299 | Registering test_index_get2-5669078533932717095 as exited with result {"id": "test_index_get2-5669078533932717095", "file": "/Users/augusto/projects/actix_test/src/main.rs", "code": 0, "output": "/var/folders/p3/z4h10jyj67s5wwty5lp8gn6w0000gn/T/ultest020djlle/__Users__augusto__projects__actix_test__src__main_rs/test_index_get2-5669078533932717095_out"}
13:42:35 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_handle_coroutine:80 | Finished job with group test_index_get2-5669078533932717095
13:42:35 | DEBUG | Thread-32 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:35 | DEBUG | Thread-32 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:35 | DEBUG | Thread-32 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:35 | DEBUG | Thread-32 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:35 | DEBUG | MainThread | processes.py:run:76 | Process test_index_get1-5669078533932717095 complete with exit code: 0
13:42:35 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_register_result:299 | Registering test_index_get1-5669078533932717095 as exited with result {"id": "test_index_get1-5669078533932717095", "file": "/Users/augusto/projects/actix_test/src/main.rs", "code": 0, "output": "/var/folders/p3/z4h10jyj67s5wwty5lp8gn6w0000gn/T/ultest020djlle/__Users__augusto__projects__actix_test__src__main_rs/test_index_get1-5669078533932717095_out"}
13:42:35 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_handle_coroutine:80 | Finished job with group test_index_get1-5669078533932717095
13:42:35 | DEBUG | Thread-36 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:35 | DEBUG | Thread-34 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:35 | DEBUG | Thread-34 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:35 | DEBUG | Thread-34 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:35 | DEBUG | Thread-34 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:35 | DEBUG | Thread-34 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:35 | DEBUG | MainThread | processes.py:run:76 | Process test_index_get-5669078533932717095 complete with exit code: 0
13:42:35 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_register_result:299 | Registering test_index_get-5669078533932717095 as exited with result {"id": "test_index_get-5669078533932717095", "file": "/Users/augusto/projects/actix_test/src/main.rs", "code": 0, "output": "/var/folders/p3/z4h10jyj67s5wwty5lp8gn6w0000gn/T/ultest020djlle/__Users__augusto__projects__actix_test__src__main_rs/test_index_get-5669078533932717095_out"}
13:42:35 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_handle_coroutine:80 | Finished job with group test_index_get-5669078533932717095
13:42:35 | DEBUG | Thread-36 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:35 | DEBUG | Thread-36 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:35 | DEBUG | Thread-36 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:35 | DEBUG | Thread-36 | handle.py:forward:85 | Writing data to output file
13:42:35 | DEBUG | MainThread | processes.py:run:76 | Process test_index_post-5669078533932717095 complete with exit code: 0
13:42:35 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_register_result:299 | Registering test_index_post-5669078533932717095 as exited with result {"id": "test_index_post-5669078533932717095", "file": "/Users/augusto/projects/actix_test/src/main.rs", "code": 0, "output": "/var/folders/p3/z4h10jyj67s5wwty5lp8gn6w0000gn/T/ultest020djlle/__Users__augusto__projects__actix_test__src__main_rs/test_index_post-5669078533932717095_out"}
13:42:35 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_handle_coroutine:80 | Finished job with group test_index_post-5669078533932717095
13:42:54 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_handle_coroutine:60 | Starting job with group update_positions
13:42:54 | INFO | MainThread | tracker.py:_async_update:57 | Updating positions in /Users/augusto/projects/actix_test/src/main.rs
13:42:54 | DEBUG | MainThread | file.py:parse_file_structure:25 | Converted pattern {'test': ['\\v\\s*%(async )?fn\\s+(\\w+)'], 'namespace': []} to {'test': [re.compile('\\s*(?:async )?fn\\s+(\\w+)')], 'namespace': []}
13:42:54 | ERROR | MainThread | logging.py:__deferred_flog:62 | Error name 'recorded_tests' is not defined converting args to str f"Removing tests {[recorded for recorded in recorded_tests]} from {file_name}"
13:42:54 | DEBUG | MainThread | __init__.py:_handle_coroutine:80 | Finished job with group update_positions

Okay... I could see the command from this log now and it is missing to get the module and test name to pass as parameter. Since it is passing the --exact flag it won't run anything.

I don't seem to be seeing any issues with rust tests, could you share the sample project you're using?


same issue

@y1rn Can you provide a sample project or point to an open source repo which I can use to reproduce locally?


@y1rn Can you provide a sample project or point to an open source repo which I can use to reproduce locally?

it works when double check this issue, without change any configuration and plugin update.

I'm sorry for the delay. It was a hectic week.

Here's an example project.

Ah I see now the issue. This is a vim-test bug, not vim-ultest. If you run TestNearest it will produce the same problem. I've submitted a PR to vim-test vim-test/vim-test#635

Closing as the fix has now been merged