rbock / hana

Heterogeneous combinators for expressive metaprogramming

Home Page:http://ldionne.github.io/hana

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Heterogeneous combiNAtors for expressive metaprogramming


This is not an official Boost library. However, a formal review will be asked for shortly. The library is unstable at the moment; do not use for production.


#include <boost/hana/detail/assert.hpp>
#include <boost/hana/integral.hpp>
#include <boost/hana/list/instance.hpp>
#include <boost/hana/type.hpp>

#include <cassert>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
using namespace boost::hana;

struct President { std::string name; };
struct Car       { std::string name; };
struct City      { std::string name; };
auto name = [](auto x) { return x.name; };

int main() {
    // Heterogeneous sequences for value-level metaprogramming.
    auto stuff = list(President{"Obama"}, Car{"Toyota"}, City{"Quebec"});
    assert(reverse(fmap(name, stuff)) == list("Quebec", "Toyota", "Obama"));

    // Type-level metaprogramming works too.
    auto types = fmap(compose(metafunction<std::add_pointer>, decltype_), stuff);

        decltype(head(types))::type, President*
    >{}, "");

        decltype(at(int_<1>, types))::type, Car*
    >{}, "");

        decltype(last(types))::type, City*
    >{}, "");

    // No compile-time information is lost (the assertion is done at compile-time).
    BOOST_HANA_CONSTANT_ASSERT(length(permutations(stuff)) == int_<3 * 2 * 1>);

Prerequisites and installation

Boost.Hana is a header only library. To use it in your own project, just add the include directory to your compiler's header search path and you are done.

The library relies on a full-featured C++14 compiler and standard library, but nothing else is required. As of July 2014, the only compiler known to compile the test suite is Clang 3.5.0 (trunk). While Clang 3.4 has full support for C++14, it has several C++14-related bugs that are fixed in 3.5 and make it incapable of compiling Hana.


You can browse the documentation online at http://ldionne.github.io/hana. You can also get an offline version of the documentation by checking out the doc/gh-pages submodule at its latest version:

git submodule update --init --remote

Hacking on Hana

Setting yourself up to work on Boost.Hana is easy. First, you will need an installation of CMake. Once this is done, you can cd to the root of the project and setup the build directory:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

You can now build and run the unit tests and the examples. I assume that you used the Makefile generator with CMake; the commands may differ for other generators:

make tests
make examples


There is a Makefile at the root of the project which forwards everything to the build directory. Hence, you can also issue those commands from the root of the project instead of the build directory.

There are also optional targets which are enabled only when the required software is available on your computer. For example, generating the documentation requires Doxygen to be installed. An informative message will be printed during the CMake generation step whenever an optional target is disabled. You can install any missing software and then re-run the CMake generation to update the list of available targets.


You can use the help target to get a list of all the available targets. Don't worry, the list is very long because each unit test and example is a different target.

If you want to add unit tests or examples, just add a source file in test/ or example/ and then re-run the CMake generation step so the new source file is known to the build system. If the relative path from the root of the project to the new source file is path/to/file.cpp, a target named path.to.file to compile the file will be created when CMake is run.

Tip for Sublime Text users

If you use the provided hana.sublime-project file, you can select the "Build current file" build system to build the target associated to the current file.

Project organization

The project is organized in a couple of subdirectories.

  • The benchmark directory contains compile-time benchmarks to make sure we're freakin' fast. The benchmark code is written mostly in the form of eRuby templates. The templates are used to generate C++ files which are then compiled while gathering compilation statistics. The benchmarks are driven by CMake files. Note that currently the benchmarks will only work with Clang because of the gem used to drive the compiler and gather the statistics.
  • The doc directory contains configuration files needed to generate the documentation. Also, the doc/gh-pages directory is a submodule tracking the gh-pages branch of the official repository at http://github.com/ldionne/hana, which contains the latest documentation.
  • The example directory contains the source code for all the examples of both the tutorial and the reference documentation.
  • The include directory contains the library itself, which is header only.
  • The test directory contains the source code for all the unit tests.


Want to contribute? Great!

  1. Fork it.
  2. Create a branch (git checkout -b feature_X)
  3. Do your modifications on that branch
  4. Make sure you did not break anything (make tests examples)
  5. Commit your changes (git commit -am "Added feature X")
  6. Push to the branch (git push origin feature_X)
  7. Open a pull request


Please see LICENSE.md.


Heterogeneous combinators for expressive metaprogramming


License:Boost Software License 1.0