razvanstanga / nodemcu-bme280-weather-station

NodeMCU/BME280/SPI TFT/mqtt weather station

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

NodeMCU/BME280/320x240 TFT Weather station


  • integrated with IoTCC using mqtt
  • display on SPI TFT LCD (ILI9341)
  • NTP time sync
  • debug on serial and LCD


  • integration with PWS
  • forcast via external webservice (based on pressure) due to low memory

SPI setup to connect display in func.lua

Initialize the matching driver for your display. All available are here http://nodemcu.readthedocs.io/en/master/en/modules/ucg/#display-drivers

disp = ucg.ili9341_18x240x320_hw_spi(cs, dc, res)

Connect TFT to NodeMCU

  • Hardware SPI CLK -> D5 / GPIO14
  • Hardware SPI MOSI -> D7 / GPIO13
  • Hardware SPI MISO -> D6 / GPIO12 (not used)
  • Hardware SPI /CS -> D8 / GPIO15 (not used)
  • CS, D/C, and RES can be assigned freely to available GPIOs
  • cs -> D8 / GPIO15, pull-down 10k to GND
  • dc -> D4 / GPIO2
  • res -> D0 / GPIO16
  • LED -> 3.3v
  • VCC -> 3.3v
  • GND -> GND

Connect BME280 to NodeMCU

  • SDA -> D2 / GPIO4
  • SCL -> D1 / GPIO5
  • 3.3v -> 3.3v
  • GND -> GND

NodeMCU modules required

  • bit
  • bme280
  • bmp085
  • cron
  • enduser_setup
  • file
  • gpio
  • i2c
  • mqtt
  • net
  • node
  • rtctime
  • sjson
  • sntp
  • spi
  • tmr
  • uart
  • ucg
  • wifi
  • tls

Comana weather station

Alt text


NodeMCU/BME280/SPI TFT/mqtt weather station


Language:Lua 100.0%