raynigon / ping-monitor

Simple Setup to Monitor Ping Responses

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

generate.py does not generate .env file

Laukage opened this issue · comments


generate.py does not generate .env file where the password for grafana is stored, am i supposed to create it myself?

Could you attach a screenshot or console output please?
Informations about your system setup, os, python version, etc. would also be nice to have.

Could you attach a screenshot or console output please? Informations about your system setup, os, python version, etc. would also be nice to have.

There is none console output, i don't know where to set the password for grafana.
OS: Ubuntu 22.04
python: 3.8

Followed the "guide" step by step on the frontpage.

There's supposed to be a .env file here right?

Please try ls -lisa and check if the file was generated.
I will look into this tomorrow.

Apparently it was hidden, i found it - thanks!

Hmm something is wrong, i tried deleting the folder and rebuild it then use the password - however i can't login still.
Even though i use the password from the .env file.
Do you have any ideas if something is holding onto the old password?

docker exec into the grafana docker container.
Get the docker name with docker ps.
Something like docker exec -it <docker name>
Use the grafana-cli to change your password manually.
sudo grafana-cli admin reset-admin-password pwd123

You don't have to do this every time since it's stored in the volume.

@Laukage docker exec into the grafana docker container. Get the docker name with docker ps. Something like docker exec -it <docker name> Use the grafana-cli to change your password manually. sudo grafana-cli admin reset-admin-password pwd123

You don't have to do this every time since it's stored in the volume.

Thank you that worked! :D