rayed / smpp_php

SMPP Client written in PHP

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

how can i add submit_multi..?

wato101 opened this issue · comments

plz... !!!

I haven't worked with SMPP in ages, and I can't remember it, but check out "send_long" inside the code it might help.


/* **************************************************

  • SMPP v3.4
  • PHP Class to send SMS messages using SMPP v3.4 protocol
  • Rayed Alrashed
  • 10 August 2008
    ************************************************** */

if (basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) == 'class.smpp.php') {
header('Content-Type: text/plain');

$src = "phone_number"; // or text
$dst = "phone_number";
$message = "Test Message";

$s = new smpp();

// $host,$port,$system_id,$password
$s->open("", 12345, "system_id", "password");

// $source_addr,$destintation_addr,$short_message,$utf=0,$flash=0
$s->send_long($src, $dst, $message);

/* To send unicode
$utf = true;
$message = iconv('Windows-1256','UTF-16BE',$message);
$s->send_long($src, $dst, $message, $utf);


class smpp {

var $socket=0;
var $seq=0;
var $debug=0;
var $data_coding=0;
var $timeout = 2;

function send_pdu($id,$data) {

// increment sequence
$this->seq +=1;
// PDU = PDU_header + PDU_content
$pdu = pack('NNNN', strlen($data)+16, $id, 0, $this->seq) . $data;
// send PDU
fputs($this->socket, $pdu);

// Get response length
$data = fread($this->socket, 4);
if($data==false) die("\nSend PDU: Connection closed!");
$tmp = unpack('Nlength', $data);
$command_length = $tmp['length'];
if($command_length<12) return;

// Get response 
$data = fread($this->socket, $command_length-4);
$pdu = unpack('Nid/Nstatus/Nseq', $data);
if($this->debug) print "\n< R PDU (id,status,seq): " .join(" ",$pdu) ;

return $pdu;


function open($host,$port,$system_id,$password) {

// Open the socket
$this->socket = fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, $this->timeout);
if ($this->socket===false)
   die("$errstr ($errno)<br />");
if (function_exists('stream_set_timeout'))
   stream_set_timeout($this->socket, $this->timeout); // function exists for php4.3+
if($this->debug) print "\n> Connected" ;

// Send Bind operation
$data  = sprintf("%s\0%s\0", $system_id, $password); // system_id, password 
$data .= sprintf("%s\0%c", "", 0x34);  // system_type, interface_version
$data .= sprintf("%c%c%s\0", 5, 0, ""); // addr_ton, addr_npi, address_range 

$ret = $this->send_pdu(2, $data);
if($this->debug) print "\n> Bind done!" ;

return ($ret['status']==0);


function submit_sm($source_addr,$destintation_addr,$short_message,$optional='') {

$data  = sprintf("%s\0", ""); // service_type
$data .= sprintf("%c%c%s\0", 5,0,$source_addr); // source_addr_ton, source_addr_npi, source_addr
$data .= sprintf("%c%c%s\0", 1,1,$destintation_addr); // dest_addr_ton, dest_addr_npi, destintation_addr
$data .= sprintf("%c%c%c", 0,0,0); // esm_class, protocol_id, priority_flag
$data .= sprintf("%s\0%s\0", "",""); // schedule_delivery_time, validity_period
$data .= sprintf("%c%c", 0,0); // registered_delivery, replace_if_present_flag
$data .= sprintf("%c%c", $this->data_coding,0); // data_coding, sm_default_msg_id
$data .= sprintf("%c%s", strlen($short_message), $short_message); // sm_length, short_message
$data .= $optional;

$ret = $this->send_pdu(4, $data);
return ($ret['status']==0);


function close() {

$ret = $this->send_pdu(6, "");
return true;


function send_long($source_addr,$destintation_addr,$short_message,$utf=0,$flash=0) {


  $this->data_coding=$this->data_coding | 0x10;

$size = strlen($short_message);
if($utf) $size+=20;

if ($size<160) { // Only one part :)

} else { // Multipart
  $sar_msg_ref_num =  rand(1,255);
  $sar_total_segments = ceil(strlen($short_message)/130);

  for($sar_segment_seqnum=1; $sar_segment_seqnum<=$sar_total_segments; $sar_segment_seqnum++) {
    $part = substr($short_message, 0 ,130);
    $short_message = substr($short_message, 130);

    $optional  = pack('nnn', 0x020C, 2, $sar_msg_ref_num);
    $optional .= pack('nnc', 0x020E, 1, $sar_total_segments);
    $optional .= pack('nnc', 0x020F, 1, $sar_segment_seqnum);

    if ($this->submit_sm($source_addr,$destintation_addr,$part,$optional)===false)
       return false;

return true;

