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[YAFW] Capitalized extensions are not seen as correct file type

NormCopeland opened this issue · comments




I took a screen recording on my iPhone which I air dropped to my Macbook. The file had the extension .MP4 (all caps). The extension said that it was not a valid video file type despite .mp4 being in the list of suggested types.

In Finder I changed .MP4 to .mp4 and re-ran the extension. It worked as expected at this point.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Create (or rename) an mp4 with the extension .MP4 (all caps).
  2. Select the file in Finder and trigger the extension in Raycast.
  3. The extension will throw an error saying that the file type is not supported.
  4. Change the file extension to .mp4 (lowercase).
  5. Trigger the extension again. This time it will work and compress the video as expected.

Current Behaviour

Does not recognize .MP4 files as valid.

Expected Behaviour

I would expect that the extension would take into account whether the file extension is lower or upper case.

Thank you for opening this issue!

🔔 @pablopunk you might want to have a look.

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