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[Jira] Error management can be improved

luarmr opened this issue · comments




I'm unable to create an issue after fill of the form (I did before successfully ), likely due to something tied to my workflow in Jira. However, I'm unsure about the specific problem because the information I'm receiving is limited. Failed creating issue
It will be great to be able to see the response from the server.

Who will benefit from this feature?

Every user?

Anything else?

Observe that the app is functioning well. I can view my tasks and the entire sprints and filters. Actually, the app is very impressive.

Thank you for opening this issue!

🔔 @thomaslombart @FezVrasta @jesperorb @teziovsky @gavinroderick @gavinroderick @michael-par @literallyjustroy @mheidinger @mikybars you might want to have a look.

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Could you share a recording? It'll make it easier to see what's happening.

Absolutely, I'm not certain about the situation that I encountered when I first identified the issue, but while attempting to recreate it and record the process, I noticed something.

Some fields are recognized as mandatory, yet others are not. I investigate a little further and looks like the elements are not being mark as mandatory are the custom fields.

I drop here an example from the API, this field is in used in the screen recording.

                        "fieldId": "customfield_xxxxx",
                        "name": "Environment",
                        "type": "com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:select",
                        "description": "The environment where the bug was discovered.",
                        "fieldConfig": {
                            "isRequired": true,
                            "isEditable": true,
                            "nonEditableReason": null,
                            "__typename": "JiraFieldConfig"

In the screenshot, I purposely created an error to see the "required field" message. I filled in that field and tried to re-submit the issue. However, it failed again. This time, there was no warning or error near any field, nor did the window shake.

I filled in the fields, without guidance from the app, that I knew were necessary.

Afterwards, the ticket was created.

2024-05-14 17 03 51

Indeed! Something is likely missing here. Do you want to take a look at it? 🙂

@thomaslombart, I think you're correct.

All we need to do is add 'required' parameter. I noticed yesterday that it already exists in the 'customFields'. Probably, we should add 'FormValidation.Required' there. I've seen this in other extensions in the repository.

I'll do that as soon and have time to test it out.