ray-project / ray

Ray is a unified framework for scaling AI and Python applications. Ray consists of a core distributed runtime and a set of AI Libraries for accelerating ML workloads.

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[core] Check if a ray task has errored without calling `ray.get` on it

justinvyu opened this issue · comments


Goal: From a list of ray remote task futures, I want to be able to check if each of these has errored without needing to call ray.get individually on each element.

This feature is offered by similar async execution APIs:

Current workaround

We have a "check for failure" function in Ray Train, which may incur some unnecessary overhead to fetch objects:

for object_ref in finished:
# Everything in finished has either failed or completed
# successfully.
except RayActorError as exc:
failed_actor_rank = remote_values.index(object_ref)
logger.info(f"Worker {failed_actor_rank} has failed.")
return False, exc
except Exception as exc:

Use case

I am implementing a control loop where I want to check on the status of some actor tasks every N seconds. I want to know if these actor tasks have failed as soon as possible so I can trigger some error handling. This involves me running an "error check" in a loop with a small amount of sleep time:

while True:
    ready, remaining = ray.wait(tasks, num_returns=len(tasks), timeout=0.01)

    # I want to be able to collect errored tasks without calling ray.get.
    # I want to distinguish successful tasks vs. errored tasks from the output from ray.wait.
    errors = []
    for task in ready:
        except Exception as e:

cc: @jjyao @rkooo567