raulfraile / distill

Smart compressed files extractor for PHP

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Misleading error message when 7z doesn't support rar files

xabbuh opened this issue · comments

On some Linux distributions, the p7zip package is split into separate packages. For example, you can use 7z on Ubuntu after installing the p7zip-full package while you need to also install the p7zip-rar package to be able to extract rar packages. The issue is that 7z only returns a generic fatal error code. Therefore, you'll receive a FileCorruptedException if rar support is missing while the file itself still is correct.

@xabbuh thank you! Yes, it is something I have to work in to detect supported formats in some of the tools

@raulfraile Yeah, I just stumbled upon this when running the tests yesterday and the error message was a bit confusing. ;) Though I'm not sure about the best fix. If I didn't overlook anything, 7z doesn't provide an option to retrieve a list of supported formats. Parsing the command output might be an option. But it might depend on the user's locale though.

@xabbuh you are right, unfortunately 7zip does not provide any option to get the list of supported formats, I wonder if the 7z t command might be used for this. Do you have the output of the command for extracting a rar file when p7zip-rar is not installed?

@raulfraile Looks like one could search for "Unsupported Method":

7-Zip [64] 9.20  Copyright (c) 1999-2010 Igor Pavlov  2010-11-18
p7zip Version 9.20 (locale=de_DE.UTF-8,Utf16=on,HugeFiles=on,4 CPUs)

Processing archive: /home/christian/Symfony/distill/tests/Resources/files/file_ok.rar

Testing     1.txt     Unsupported Method
Testing     2.txt     Unsupported Method
Testing     3.txt     Unsupported Method
Testing     level2/4.txt     Unsupported Method
Testing     level2/level3/5.txt     Unsupported Method
Testing     level2/level3
Testing     level2

Sub items Errors: 5

@xabbuh thanks! Just one more thing... what's the exit code of that command? In OS X I am getting 2 as an exit code for this:

$ 7z t tests/Resources/files/file_ok.phar           

7-Zip [64] 9.20  Copyright (c) 1999-2010 Igor Pavlov  2010-11-18
p7zip Version 9.20 (locale=utf8,Utf16=on,HugeFiles=on,4 CPUs)

Processing archive: tests/Resources/files/file_ok.phar

Error: Can not open file as archive

@raulfraile Yes, it's 2. According to its man page, 7z sadly only provides 2 as the error code for fatal errors.

@xabbuh can you check if it is fixed? Now I use a few samples of different formats to test if the command supports it, so it should detect if rar files are supported or not

@raulfraile Seems so:

There was 1 error:

1) Distill\Tests\Method\Command\x7zipTest::testExtractCorrectRarFile
Distill\Exception\Method\FormatNotSupportedInMethodException: Method "commandx7zip" is not supported for format rar

So, the only thing to do would be to skip tests if the format is not supported.

@xabbuh thanks for testing it! Yes, I'll skip the test in that case, but at least I know that detects the support successfully

@raulfraile The test still fails with the error mentioned in my last comment. I'll investigate that this weekend.