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Vector Tiles are Buffered to Disk by nginx

notthatbreezy opened this issue · comments

Problem description

There are more than a few instances in our logs where nginx is buffering responses to disk for our MVT endpoints:

[warn] 6#6: *799592 an upstream response is buffered to a temporary file /var/cache/nginx/proxy_temp/3/53/0000010533 while reading upstream, client:, server: backsplash.staging.rasterfoundry.com, request: "GET /mvt/a72c2812-d1e8-4cf1-af9b-40c6e40cf23b/tasks/11/948/975?<snipped>

This particular request was about 67 kilobytes.

I think the default for is is probably 16 kilobytes.

Expected Behavior or Output

A bump in the client_body_buffer_size to a value that would result in less buffering. This should give us a minor performance boost if we can keep the response in memory.