rastapasta / mapscii

🗺 MapSCII is a Braille & ASCII world map renderer for your console - enter => telnet mapscii.me <= on Mac (brew install telnet) and Linux, connect with PuTTY on Windows

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Go to a specific coordinate.

array-in-a-matrix opened this issue · comments

It would be cool to press " / " then paste or type a coordinate and have the map automatically locate and render that area.

any way to start the map in a cordenates from command line ?

@pedroelbanquero if you look into the main.js file you can see any command line arguments you can use

I think your initial idea @array-in-a-matrix would require some form of interactive prompt, which is non trivial to implement...

In the same spirit, I'd love to be able to telnet u4pruydqqvj.mapscii.me where u4pruydqqvj is a GeoHash for coordinates 57.64911,10.40744, and MapSCII would point to that location.

There are a few npm packages providing GeoHash conversion logic: https://www.npmjs.com/search?q=keywords:geohash

Technically, this would also require some wildcard DNS configuration, and to forward/retrieve the actual hostname specified in the TCP request...

What do you think about this idea @rastapasta ?
(and should I open a separate issue maybe ?)

Also about those command line arguments, one thing that I've noticed is that they don't even seem to work half of the time.

Ahoi, sorry for being so late to the discussion 😊
MapSCII is back on my schedule right now!

Next to an interactive interface, the idea of passing parameters via a subdomain is pretty lovely!

Only blocking issue I see here: the telnet protocol doesn't consider the transfer of a given host name (compared to the HTTP protocol's Host header field) 😢 This might be compensated in a (already half-implemented) ssh-server, but unlikely to be achieved in an telnet based approach.

Still: the easy way of (pre)selecting a location/feeding a geojson is top priority atm

Thank you for your answer @rastapasta!
Well spotted for the telnet protocol limitation... 😞
Feel free to ping me once the ssh-server is implemented, I'd like to help building the subdomain feature 😊