rasta-mouse / Watson

Enumerate missing KBs and suggest exploits for useful Privilege Escalation vulnerabilities

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Can't Run on System with only .Net 2.0

0xdf-0xdf opened this issue · comments

I've been unable to build this to run on a system with .net 2.0. Is it possible to build to run on older .NET frameworks?

Looks like this is probably due to the introduction of Linq in #1 here.

Not sure if @mark-s has thoughts on this? I should've noticed it before merging.
If not, I'll have a look at replacing it for something that's 2.0 compliant.


@rasta-mouse can look into this this weekend if you like? You're probably right about the cause - simple enough to replace the LINQ with a foreach/for.
.Net 2 though .. that's quite old!

That would be awesome.

I know 2.0 sucks. It's so we can target older machines like 2K8, assuming they haven't had newer versions installed - basically a backwards compatibility thing.

Yeah, I was just trying to use it on a 2k8 (ctf) target and ran into it there. But I feel like I run into old stuff all the time at work with only 2.0. Would be useful for old stuff.

Merged #4