raspu / Highlightr

iOS & OSX Syntax Highlighter.

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Provide a theme/language enum?

rudedogg opened this issue · comments

What are your thoughts on providing a theme enum? There are 79 styles/themes currently, so it'll be a pretty large enum, but it seems like it would make the API a little more swifty.


enum HighlightrTheme: String {
    case solarizedDark = "solarized-dark"
    case solarizedLight = "solarized-light"
    case xCode = "xcode"

And setting a theme would look like:

highlightr.setTheme(to: .solarizedDark)

Thinking about it more, we'd probably want to do the same for languages (176 currently) if bothering to make this change. It wouldn't be backward compatible and require a full version bump.

Here's an extension that makes this work:

extension Highlightr {
  enum Theme: String {
    case arta = "arta"
    case atelierCaveDark = "atelier-cave-dark"
    case atelierCaveLight = "atelier-cave-light"
    case dracula = "dracula"
    case pojoaque = "pojoaque"
    case solarizedDark = "solarized-dark"
    case solarizedLight = "solarized-light"
    case xcode = "xcode"
  enum Language: String {
    case css = "css"
    case html = "html"

  func setTheme(to theme: Highlightr.Theme) -> Bool {
    return setTheme(to: theme.rawValue)
  func highlight(_ code: String, as language: Highlightr.Language, fastRender: Bool = true) -> NSAttributedString? {
    return highlight(code, as: language.rawValue, fastRender: fastRender)

My comment about it requiring a version bump and being a breaking change is incorrect. It could be an additional API and we can deprecate the old usage with @available(*, deprecated, message: "Replaced by Highlight.Theme enum usage") etc.

I like this a lot! Awesome idea :).

Sweet! I'll try and get a PR up soon. If someone else wants to feel free.