raspberrypi / rpicam-apps

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


TobyMot opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

Bug report
Please use the camera-bug-report tool to create a bug report, and upload it here.

The bug report tool uses the following syntax:

camera-bug-report -t <timeout in seconds> -o <output file> -c "<rpicam-app command>"

For example,

camera-bug-report -t 5 -o bug.txt -c "rpicam-still -t 1000 -o test.jpg"

will attempt to run rpicam-still and timeout after 5 seconds if the application has stalled. The script will generate a bug.txt file that captures all the output logs and system state to help us debug the issue.

You can also run without a timeout:

camera-bug-report -o bug.txt -c "rpicam-vid -t 0 -o test.264"

This will run rpicam-vid indefinitely until either you press Ctrl+C or the application terminates, after which the necessary output logs and system state will be captured.

If you cannot run your application through the camera-bug-report tool, run it without the -c command line argument after running the camera application. In these cases, please also provide the command line used to run the application, as well as any output generated during the run.

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

I have a new raspberry pi 4B and bought two Pi cameras to develop an application that would use openCV, when I can get some images that is. The pi is loaded and updated, upgraded with the Debian Bookworm distro. I never get to see a camera config menu on the Raspi-config menu but I resume this is now deprecated so the raspberrypi.org website is well out of date or have I got the wrong distro.

I managed to capture some images with an openCV python script yesterday but today using Libcamera or rpicam with either camera and a different machine with the same setup I captured nothing except these error messages. I checked and reset the cables several times since this seems obvious but without any capture.

is it cables ?

I hope you can help

I just tried again and the error comes up so quickly it cannot have run a timeout. all the dev/video* files are empty can I fix this.

Both logs show a camera hardware timeout occurring. Can you try re-seating the connector cable on both ends and try again. Failing that, it might point to a hardware issue on either the sensor board or the Pi camera connector.

Any update on this? If not, I'll close this down shortly.