raspberrypi / rpicam-apps

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Raspberry Pi camera issue

obioheme opened this issue · comments

When i run the code: "sudo libcamera-hello" the camera turns on and it shows its working. but when i try to take a picture "sudo libcamera-jpeg -o test.jpeg" or try to detect camera "sudo vcgencmd get_camera" it says tat no camera is detected.
supported=0 detected=0, libcamera interfaces=0. how do i go about solving this issue

Which camera are you using. You do not need to use sudo to run the camera. Also, please ignore sudo vcgencmd get_camera, it is only supported on the legacy camera stack.

It would also be worth looking at the following post and and working through the instructions:

Any update on this? If not, I'll close it down shortly.

@Jai-GAY please open a new issue for your problem. It is not related to this issue at all.

Given no activity from the original author, I'm closing this down now.

Given no activity from the original author, I'm closing this down now.

okay. done and thank you.